(no subject)

Dec 15, 2005 00:12

Totally didn't get anything done today. Well, not anything I'd wanted to. Spent three hours this afternoon shoveling three driveways, shoveling out the ends again after the plows went by, getting snow off the roofs, digging out the bushes, etc. Ugh.

Tomorrow I have to do my Croatian final (it was supposed to be Tuesday night, but there was a mixup) and get my subs set up for tomorrow. We leave at 4 for the championship football game in Chattanooga. So, if you check out ESPN2 Friday night at 8 EST, you can see my alma mater playing for the national title! Amanda and Jordan actually wound up with tickets in the front row of the middle section, so there's probably a good chance you'll be able to catch a glimpse of them on tv, behind the players on the sideline, at least. Just look for the blonde with this kid [sans elephant costume]. They were going to make a sign to improve their chances of tv coverage, but I have no idea what it says. Something with ESPN2, theoretically. *g*

I'm totally excited about the game, but the bad news (beside the 13 hour drive) is that the timing meant I had to cancel the Annual Iowa Weekend, which sucks. Obviously friends are more important to me than football, but I keep telling myself that my friends are still going to be my friends next week/month/summer/year, while this one night of football has been 25 years in the making. Warped logic, perhaps, but it eases the guilt.

Okay, bedtime. A 1-hour late start sure would be nice...
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