when i left new haven and northampton i left tons of stuff on the curb and posted to the free section of craigslist to let ppl know and all of it was snapped up really quickly. and it is just *so* much easier when you're moving to do that instead of trying to manage emails etc.
I totally agree. You just say, "Such and such stuff will be on the curb here, first come first serve." People will come and take stuff, and you don't even have to talk to them if you don't want to!
Leave it out, dude. You can bring whatever's left (after a day or so) inside and deal with it then...or if you have a ton, leave a little every day. Honestly, I don't see how it's that different from giving it to a specific person. Just pick up whatever doesn't get taken.
Leaving it out on the curb would, I think, pretty much encompass donating/posting on Craigslist/adding to Freecycle. It's not like you're leaving them out on trash day (if you are, though, then we need to talk...), so I think you're fine :)
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