LuRe Fic: 525,600 Minutes (39/40)

Apr 06, 2011 23:29

Reid watched Luke as he contemplated his next move.  They were on their fourth game using the new chess set that Luke had gotten Reid in Paris for their anniversary.  It was literally a piece of art and Reid had been torn between shock and adoration when he had unwrapped it the night before. The base was a beautiful mahogany wood and the squares were marble that had miniature recreations of Monet pieces where the black spaces should have been.    The pieces that were also made of marble were so intricately carved that they must have taken weeks for each one.

Reid loved to watch Luke when they played.  No matter how many times Reid had won Luke was still determined to beat him.  Still full of hope at every start that maybe this would be the time.  His brow would furrow in concentration as he thought of his next move, his hand to his mouth lightly chewing on his thumb.   Reid loved the look on the Luke’s face when he thought that he had come up with the perfect move.  The anticipation in his eyes as he waited for Reid.  The worry as Reid moved his hand towards the board realizing that once again he was going to lose.  The way Luke’s face fell when he heard that dreaded word.  Checkmate.

Reid tried not to laugh at how upset Luke would get.  When they first started playing Luke was always amazed at the many different ways that Reid had beat him.  He had admired Reid’s brilliance and ability to win every time.  But as time went on Luke became more and more determined to win at least one.   Over a year after their first game together in his mother’s living room he still had not won one game.  Sometimes he was glad that Reid refused to let him win and sometimes it infuriated him.

Luke was still wrapped up in concentration when Reid snapped out of his daze. “Let’s get married” he said without thinking.  Luke looked up at him and smiled.

“I thought that was the plan.”

“I mean now. Tomorrow.  Let’s get married tomorrow.”  Luke almost choked on his own breath before answering.

“Tomorrow?  Are you crazy?  We can’t get married tomorrow.”  Reid face fell a little at this.

“Why not?”

“Because Reid…A wedding takes planning and a lot of work.”  Reid scoffed.

“What work?  I want to marry you and you want to marry me.  As long as we are both there what other planning is there?”  Luke laughed.

“We need a minister, we need to get paperwork filed with Tom, we need a caterer, music, flowers, tables, chairs, invitations.  The list goes on Reid.”

“Ok…” Reid paused.  “So not tomorrow.  Next month then.  If your parents could plan a wedding in a month so can we.”  Luke sat back in his chair and thought about this.  He guessed Reid was right.  Why couldn’t they plan a wedding in a month?  Now that he was thinking about it Luke it was perfect really, given what next month was.

“You know what?  Next month might just be perfect.  Do you realize that next month it will have been a year since you asked me to marry you? September 8th.”  Reid smiled.

“Of course I did” Reid lied.  “I am a genius remember?”  Luke got up and went to get the phone, listing off things that they needed to do as he went.  When he came back he was on the phone with his mother telling her the news and asking her for help.

Reid hadn’t known what he had gotten himself into when he had suggested they get married so soon.  Over the next week they had been visiting different places in and around Oakdale looking for a venue.   Reid didn’t know why they couldn’t just have the wedding at home or at the farm like so many others before them.  Luke wanting to give Reid a say in everything decided they would take a walk around the farm to scout possible wedding sites.  The problem with the farm was that it held so many memories of weddings past and one in particular that he just didn’t want to think about.  Luke and Reid had been discussing this down by the pond when they finally decided that that they would get married at home by their own pond.  They were making their way back up to the house for lunch as they passed the barn.

“I wanna check on my horse real quick” Luke said smiling as he made his way inside.  Reid had never been one for nature or animals so he was planning on waiting outside until he heard Luke call out.  When he went inside Luke was nowhere to be seen.


“Up here.”  Luke poked his head over the edge of the loft.  “Come on up.”

“I’m ok.  I think I’m gonna head inside actually.”  Reid was about to turn and walk out of the barn when a pair of boxers landed on his head.  “What the…?” He muttered as he pulled them off.  When he realized what they were his cock twitched in excitement.  “Are these yours?”

“Why don’t you come up and find out.”  Reid didn’t waste any time before climbing up the ladder.  His eyes widened at the site when he made it to the top.  Luke was lying on a blanket in the hay…naked.  He smiled playfully at Reid, “I always wanted to have sex up here.”  Before Luke could even finish his sentence Reid was pulling his shirt up over his head, kicking off his shoes, and struggling to get his pants undone.  Luke crawled over and kneeled in front of him helping him out of his pants and briefs.

Soon Reid was naked as well and they were both lying on the blanket attached at their lips and hands roaming.  Reid pinched one of Luke’s nipples and he bucked his hips into Reid’s creating an amazing friction.  Luke groaned something intelligible into Reid’s ear but he was too far gone to care what it was.   Everything became frantic as they rutted against each other Reid’s tongue all over Luke’s neck.  When Reid bit down on Luke’s shoulder Luke cried out.  Luke pushed Reid back for a second so that he could look into his eyes, “Fuck me…please…I need you inside me so badly.”

Reid nodded as Luke turned over and got on all fours.  It took everything he had for Reid not to come right there.  Just the sight of Luke ready and waiting for him was beyond hot.   He wet a couple of fingers in his mouth and was about to press them into Luke when Luke grabbed his hand “No prep.  Just do it.”

“Luke…I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’ll be fine…please Reid!  I need you in me now.  I wanna feel you, feel everything.  I want the pain.  Please…”  Reid couldn’t say no to that.  Couldn’t say no to sound of Luke begging to be fucked.  Coating himself with saliva he pressed his cock to Luke’s entrance and pushed in.  Luke winced.  The burn was strong.  Like he was being ripped apart from the inside.  But he didn’t care.  Instead he pressed back against Reid taking him all the way in.  Biting his lip to hold back the scream that was dying to let loose.  Reid stopped for a second not wanting to hurt Luke any more than he already had.  “Move Reid!  Please, just fuck me!”  Reid didn’t respond he just did what he was told pulling almost all the way out and slamming back in.  He repeated this over and over as Luke pressed back to meet every thrust.  Luke sunk down to his elbows now raising his ass a little higher and when Reid thrust into him Luke cried out.  Knowing he had hit Luke’s prostate Reid aimed for it now again and again.  He reached around Luke to pump his leaking cock but Luke pushed his hand away, “Just you.”

“Fuck, Luke.”  Reid knew he was getting close now and slammed into Luke harder and faster making sure to hit that spot every time until they were both screaming out as their orgasms ripped through them.  They collapsed onto the blanket afterwards breath ragged and covered in sweat.

A while later their breathing had returned to normal as they lay cuddled together Luke running his fingers through Reid’s hair.  “Reid?”


“I was thinking…” Luke paused.  “Have you ever thought about having kids?” Reid sat up instantly and looked at Luke.  When Reid didn’t say anything Luke shrugged “Nevermind…Just forget I asked.”  Luke reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head and was reaching for his pants when Reid stopped him.

“Luke…I…”  Reid scooted closer to Luke and took his hands in his.  “Before I met you I never thought I could want so much.  I didn’t do relationships.  But one look into your eyes.  One touch of your lips.  And I was in love.  I never even considered marriage.  And then I was diving out of a car before it got hit by a train.  And suddenly I couldn’t imagine living my life without you.  So when I say that kids was never something I thought I would want you have to take all that into consideration.  Since meeting you and loving you I have come to want more than I am sure that I deserve.   Thankfully I’m a bit selfish and will not even hesitate and taking everything I can get which I hope one day when we are ready includes kids.”  Luke smiled tears falling as he leaned forward and kissed Reid.

“Oh Reid…Thank you…thank you so much…”  Luke kissed him a few more times before wrapping his arms around him and holding him tighter than he ever had before.  A few minutes later they had just finished getting redressed when they heard the barn door creak.   If they had made it to the door a little bit sooner they might have seen Faith disappearing into the house.

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