
Aug 22, 2009 00:55

 Title: Paranoid
Author: Nomad
Rating: T, for mild adult content.
Summary: Carly's paranoid, and for good reason. Shelby/Carly drabble.

Note: I really don't know where this came from, and its pretty short, but I wanted to try writing a drabble just to clear some writer's block... well, the good news is it seems to be working. Please read and review.

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing.



They stumbled into the iCarly studio; Carly’s hands were tangled in dark brown locks as she desperately pressed her lips to Shelby’s. Rough hands are at her waist, pulling the two together. A breathless sound escaped Carly’s mouth as one of Shelby’s hands slid to the small of her back, keeping Carly pinned to her. It took everything Shelby had not to take the girl right then and there, but they’d agreed not to do anything like that for at least a year. But that didn’t mean she wasn't allowed to admire her girl's body at times. She hesitantly ran her hand up over Carly’s stomach and palmed one of her breasts in her hand. Carly sighed and leaned into Shelby’s touch. And then the moment was over.

“Did you hear that?” Carly pulled away quickly and Shelby rolled her eyes, keeping her grip on the girl.

“What? Did I hear what?” She asked, rubbing her thumb over Carly’s clothed nipple. She wanted nothing more than to keep kissing the pretty girl in her arms and continue what they had started - it was a feeling not unlike when she’d met Carly.

The desire to kiss the girl was strong then, and it was only stronger now. And with the smaller girl pulling away from her every two seconds because she was paranoid… well, it would have to stop. They’d started a relationship two month prior, and since then, Carly had been constantly on the lookout. She didn’t want for this to get pushed into the spotlight and ruin her life.

“I’m sorry, it’s just… its Sam and Freddie.” Carly shrugged, running one of her hands over Shelby’s stomach. The taller girl sighed in content with Carly’s hands on her. “I don’t think they’d understand. I mean, me being with a girl has never come up before, you know?”

“I understand that.” Shelby said, wrapping her arms completely around Carly in a comforting way. “But I don’t think you give your friends enough credit.”

It was true. Sam and Freddie were great people; they loved Carly for who she was, and if she liked girls and wanted to spend her life with another girl, then that would be a part of who she was. Therefore, they’d still love her. Shelby couldn’t understand how Carly didn’t realize that.

“Why do you say that?” Carly asked, pressing her cheek against Shelby’s shoulder.

Shelby sighed and turned her attention to the girl in her arms. “Well, you’ve all been through a lot. Years of friendship don’t go away because of something like this.”

Shelby kissed her girlfriend’s lips. Carly draped her arms around Shelby’s neck, pulling her closer as she kissed her. She felt a jolt in her chest as she kissed the girl slowly and passionately, letting her tongue run along Shelby’s lower lip and then slide against her tongue. Her nostrils flared as she tried to draw in a breath. She hated to pull away, but she needed to.

Slowly pulling away, Carly sighed again. “But how do you know?”

“Do you really want to know?” Shelby asked and Carly nodded. “I know because they’ve been standing at the door since I kissed you and I have yet to see any pitchforks or clouds of dust.”

Carly hid behind Shelby, peeking out from behind her, meeting the eyes of her best friend, Sam, who was wearing an impressed smirk. Freddie was next to her, looking disgruntled as he dug into his pocket. He thrust a dollar bill into Sam’s open palm and looked at Carly, throwing his hands up in defeat. Sam waved and grabbed Freddie’s collar, pulling him away from the door.

“Thanks a lot.” Carly hissed at Shelby.

Laughing loudly, Shelby spun around and captured her girl’s lips with her own. She felt Carly smile against her lips. “You are so welcome. Are you done being paranoid?”

"I think so." Carly answered with a soft laugh. She took one of Shelby's hands and slid it underneath her shirt and onto her breast. "Now, where were we?"


ship: carly shay/shelby marx, show: icarly, created by: nomad_609, creations: fic

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