[Icons] Doctor Who - 4.11 "Turn left"

Jun 24, 2008 17:32

I made some Doctor Who icons of episode 4.11 "Turn Left" and Confidential- mostly Donna, but some more of Rose/Billie and the Doctor.


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actress: billie piper, fandom: doctor who, doctor who: the doctor, doctor who: rose tyler, doctor who: donna noble, doctor who: episode 4.11, fanart: icon

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Comments 5

babylon_pride June 24 2008, 22:56:05 UTC
I adore these. Normally I don't credit but the lighting on them is phenomenal; it really caught my eye. Going to snag a few, and want to saw awesome job.


nicis_anatomy June 25 2008, 08:29:04 UTC
Thank you so much. I'm not so satisfied with the icons this time. But I'm glad you like them. Take as many as you like.


babylon_pride June 25 2008, 15:17:20 UTC
Believe me, I would've taken more if I had space for it.

But that's how it always is. When I did icons, I used to hate them and others adored them. When I write, I can't stand it and finally give up on it and people love it, and strangely the ones I love are the ones I get the least feedback on. Sometimes the world is weird.


i_am_tia June 24 2008, 23:22:12 UTC
saved a few will credit.


nicis_anatomy June 25 2008, 08:28:07 UTC
Thanks. I'm glad you like them :)


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