[Drabble] Video killed the MIT Star

Sep 11, 2009 08:54

TITLE: Video killed the MIT Star
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTERS: Tony, Tim, Gibbs
GENRE: Gen, Humor
SUMMARY: Sometimes a degree from MIT isn’t everything … - for challenge #154 'Numbers' at ncisdrabble100
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.


"What are you doing, Probie?" Tony asked, looking up from the magazine he was reading.
"Nothing, Tony," McGee replied, looking up from his keyboard. "I’m trying to work."
"You look a bit lost here. Something I can help you with?" Tony pointed at the evidence bag on McGee’s desk. It was one of many they’d collected earlier from the crime scene. The note inside had caught Tony’s attention immediately, but Gibbs had decided it should be McMIT’s jobs to find out what the numbers mean.
Tony hadn't argued. Actually, it was kind of funny to watch McGee sweating and afraid of what Gibbs would say, when he had to tell him that he’d come up with nothing.
"I don’t think you could help, Tony. This is something that -"
"... requires a degree?" Tony asked, sighing. He wasn’t actually mad or offended by McGee’s comment, although he could’ve spared McGee some time. But as they said: You can't lead a horse to water and make it drink.
"Tony, I -"
"What do you got?" Gibbs rushed around the corner, as usual looking impatiently.
Grinning, Tony watched McGee startle.
"I ... I ..."
"Spit it out, McGee!"
"I have nothing, Boss. I tried everything. Really. This is neither a bank account number, nor a case file ID or anything. I’m-"
"Boss?" Tony interrupted McGee’s stuttering. "Let me get this, McGee."
He walked over to McGee’s desk, pulling his keyboard near.
He opened Google and typed in the numbers.
"4-8-15-16-23-42. I would suggest our dead marine was a TV junkie." He pressed a button to transfer the result to the plasma. "No one has found out what the numbers mean, Boss, and I doubt even JJ or Damon know the answer." He turned back to McGee, grinning. "You really should get a life, Probie. A real one."

- The End -

fandom: ncis, ncis: tim mcgee, ncis: anthony dinozzo, ncis: jethro gibbs, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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