[Fanart] Naughty Girl

Aug 08, 2009 20:33

Made these for our NCIS roleplay but than decided I can't use it, because it's more Lauren than Jenny.
Anyway, I think livejournal is a good home for them ;)

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fanart: banner, actress: lauren holly, fanart: icon

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Comments 16

jennyshepard August 8 2009, 20:49:18 UTC
They are really, really great.
Lauren's so beautiful :)


nicis_anatomy August 8 2009, 21:23:41 UTC
Schöner Username ;)
Ja, Lauren ist einfach eine Schönheit. Gehört schon fast verboten, wenn Du mich fragst ... Aber ich gönne es ihr.
Vielen Dank für Dein Lob!!


jennyshepard August 8 2009, 23:04:49 UTC
Huch... ab und an sollte man vielleicht doch mal in die Profile schauen *lach* Ich war so auf Englisch eingestellt, dass ich deine Antwort zweimal lesen musste ^^

Und ja, ich stimme dir zu, in allem. Sie sah ja schon als kleines Kind sehr süß aus, da konnte ja nur was Gutes bei rauskommen ;)


nicis_anatomy August 9 2009, 11:39:05 UTC
Na, bei dem Usernamen hab ich gleich ins Profil geschaut. So was fällt auf.
Und ja, sie war schon immer süß. Manche sind wirklich gesegnet ...


voodoochild_101 August 9 2009, 01:04:54 UTC
Oh wow! I se you haven't lost your touch! These are amazing!!!


nicis_anatomy August 9 2009, 11:40:16 UTC
Thank you! I think my muse is back and I'm slowly getting back into shape. But the pictures were great so it was easy.


cyad August 9 2009, 08:55:05 UTC
beautiful! Good thing you posted them here. Love the light, color and effects.


nicis_anatomy August 9 2009, 11:41:32 UTC
Thank you! Maybe I will make something larger to use as a journal banner. Later ...
First I need a break. Gym was exhausting today.


cyad August 9 2009, 21:07:21 UTC
whatever you do, I'll stay tuned. I didn't knew you had a thing with graphics as well. :)


almost forgot cyad August 9 2009, 21:08:34 UTC
WOW! What kind of gym... step, cardio funk, stop 'til you drop?

The only gym I like is flipper swimming in the ocean so... *g*


scarlet_lh August 9 2009, 12:16:18 UTC
wow, I love them! lauren looks so amazing!


nicis_anatomy August 9 2009, 16:23:32 UTC
Thank you. And yes, she does ;)


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