[Icons] 20 x Chuck for chuck20in20

May 03, 2010 12:50

Here are my 20 icons for the first round at chuck20in20


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community: chuck20in20, fandom: chuck, fanart: icon

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Comments 25

kateliciously May 3 2010, 15:26:06 UTC
Wow, I love your icons. My faves are Close Crop, Gun and Colourful.


nicis_anatomy May 3 2010, 16:59:49 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you do ;) I haven't done any icons in a while, but I like how most of them turned out. Actually, these three are my favorites, too.


kateliciously May 3 2010, 20:09:08 UTC
No, that's funny. Usually people voted for my icons I like less at challenges. :D You're German, right?
Ich adde dich einfach mal. Wow, du magst so viel von dem Zeugs, das ich auch mal, wie Chuck, GoGi, NCIS, Grey's...


nicis_anatomy May 3 2010, 20:25:43 UTC
Oh, ein Landsmann. Das ist ja toll. Wie klein die Welt doch ist.
Und mir geht normalerweise genauso: Was ich von meinen Sachen nicht mag/hasse - ob geschrieben oder gebastelt - wird meistens gemocht, und deswegen weiß ich, dass wenn ich ein schlechtes Gefühl habe, soll ich es dennoch posten, statt zu löschen *g*


shadedcolor May 3 2010, 16:26:29 UTC
I like the idea for the 'relationship' icons! My favorites are 'close crop' and 'colorful'.


nicis_anatomy May 3 2010, 17:00:44 UTC
Unfortunately, the relationship icons didn't work the way I wanted. But they are close. Somehow ;)
Thank you. I'm glad you liked them.


dcfc_rule May 3 2010, 17:24:20 UTC
Your icons are great. I love the intersect one.


nicis_anatomy May 3 2010, 17:45:58 UTC
Thank you very much ;)


csiyiota May 3 2010, 19:51:31 UTC
My favorite is Buy More, Close Crop and Quote.
Thanks for participating and sharing some Chuck love :)


nicis_anatomy May 3 2010, 20:26:57 UTC
No, thank you ;) For creating this community and for your comment. I guess, I was just looking for an excuse to start making icons again ;)


alkalirain May 3 2010, 20:56:50 UTC
I grabbed the gun one, will credit when used. thanks!


nicis_anatomy May 4 2010, 13:31:05 UTC
I'm glad you like them. Thank you and welcome ;)


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