[Oneshot] Mother for a day

Mar 03, 2010 18:30

TITLE: Mother for a day
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard, Carson Taylor
GENRE: Gen, General, Episode tag for 5.09 "Lost and Found"
SUMMARY: Taking care of a little boy is harder than Jenny had expected - especially when her self-consciousness starts getting into her way ... Written for day #03 "Simpsons" for ncisdaily and ( Read more... )

fandom: ncis, community: ncis1000words, ncis: jenny shepard, community: ncisdaily, fanart: fanfiction

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Comments 12

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nicis_anatomy March 3 2010, 08:38:17 UTC
Thank you ;) I'm glad I could inspire you *g*
I'm was a bit sitting on fences with this one. I think that Jen would've made a great mom, but I also believe that this was something she didn't know. She never thought about it and she was a bit overwhelmed that evening (while she was doing better the next day in her office) and relieved when Jethro showed up. She would have managed to do it all alone (and be a great mom), but she didn't know that ;)


nakeisha March 3 2010, 09:29:55 UTC
A very interesting look at how Jenny felt having full responsibility for Carson.

Very well done.


nicis_anatomy March 3 2010, 10:13:40 UTC
Thank you. I had to re-write this to use it for this prompt. I wanted to use it for "cellphone" in the first place and it would have continued up until Jethro showed up, but that wouldn't have worked with only 1000 words and I liked the idea of writing a 'missing scene' better.


marciafan March 3 2010, 10:52:20 UTC
Such a beautiful and emotional piece ♥ You portrayed Jenny's insecurities perfectly!
And I think the babyfic stuff is growing on you lol!


nicis_anatomy March 3 2010, 11:01:40 UTC
Thank you, Marzia. I wanted to write something for this episode for a while now and finally managed to do it. It wasn't easy to describe Jen's feeling, but I'm glad it obviously worked.
Growing on me? Hm, not really ;) I wrote this last week and it had nothing to do with baby!fics. Carson is not her kid or a baby *g*


marciafan March 3 2010, 11:18:36 UTC
Hahaha, I give baby!fics a much broader meaning lol. For one, fics involving Zach and Jibbs are baby!fics to me XD


nicis_anatomy March 3 2010, 11:27:24 UTC
Ah, okay. For me, it was always "one fictional character gets pregnant" ;) I can live with Zach or Carson (or my Jamie). No problems ... but I would have more problems getting Jen pregnant (and that sounds so wrong in so many ways - if I were a boy *g*)


ami_ven March 4 2010, 04:22:05 UTC
Wonderful- I can believe that this was exactly what Jenny thought during this episode.


nicis_anatomy March 4 2010, 09:05:51 UTC
Really? Thank you. I wasn't so sure about this in the first place. But Jen seemed a bit insecure and surprised to have made such a decision and I wanted to explore this ;)


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nicis_anatomy March 7 2010, 08:53:50 UTC
Wow, I think this is one of the best comments I ever received for one of my NCIS/Jibbs stories. Thank you very much! It's so good to hear that I managed to bring life into someone else's thoughts/dreams. That proofs that all Jibbs-shipper are one big family and we all wanted pretty much the same for them. Too bad the writers on the show had other plans ...
Thank you again!


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nicis_anatomy March 10 2010, 20:48:43 UTC
Oh, believe me, you are not the only one wishing and hoping Jen is still alive and JD never happened (and the illness was only something the CIA made up to mess with her). But unfortunately, she will not return :( Lauren Holly was pretty clear with this and Shane Brennan, too.
But we still have fanfiction and while writing these we can ignore JD and everything that happened ;)


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