[Drabble] It's in his kiss

Feb 05, 2010 05:50

TITLE: It's in his kiss
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTER: Jenny Shepard/Trent Kort
GENRE: Romance
SUMMARY: After midnight, Jenny gets a surprise visit and an even more surprising offer, she can't resist ... Written for quote #10 "Just a kiss to satisfy the curiosity. Nothing more. (Picket Fences)" for madame_director and challenge #107 "Kiss ( Read more... )

fandom: ncis, community: madame_director, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble, ncis: jenny_kort

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Comments 19

nakeisha February 5 2010, 09:36:15 UTC

Really well done and great concept.

A scene that is very easy to envisage.


nicis_anatomy February 5 2010, 11:22:02 UTC
Thank you, Nikki! I'm glad you liked it. I've no idea where this came from *g* But I won't complain ...


marciafan February 5 2010, 12:28:04 UTC
*sighs* Such a good drabble to please my romantic Trenny-shipping heart ♥
Thanks for giving me something great to read during my lunch break. It helped me through the torture that is munching on tons of carrots lol. I feel like a rabbit lately XD


nicis_anatomy February 5 2010, 13:27:34 UTC
Thank you ;)
I'm glad I could help *g*
Carrots ...? Yummy! The piggies love them. You could send some over.


marciafan February 5 2010, 20:28:04 UTC
LOL I have a lifetime furniture of carrots in my fridge, it seems. My nutritionist seems to think I am too pale and wants me to eat carrots to get some color. I am not exactly following her thinking there, but whatever. She does that for a living, she'll know what she's doing lol. And as much as I complain about having carrots every day, I still like them. But I'll send some for the piggies! *puts carrots in a box and sends it to Germany*

Oh and I was trying to tell you on Twitter, but the website was down...me LOVES your new layout ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


nicis_anatomy February 5 2010, 20:41:54 UTC
Carrots are great. But you should have some milk with them - otherwise the vitamins wouldn't work. And don't eat too much. You may turn orange *g*

*waits for the box to arrive*

Yeah, the layout ... took me almost three hours and there is still a bug somewhere. But I'm too tired to continue the search. Maybe tomorrow *g* And it somehow doesn't look much like the pre-made one anymore ;)


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nicis_anatomy February 5 2010, 13:28:26 UTC
I'm glad you did. Thank you!


cyad February 5 2010, 13:51:39 UTC
aww... *flutters*

Just love it. :)

OK, I'm just out of watching Princess & the frog and so, I'm all emotional-romantic-sniffling and your drabble was just perfect.


nicis_anatomy February 5 2010, 19:36:58 UTC
Thank you! Romantic(-comedy) is good. I'm in the mood for one of these films, too. Just haven't decided yet, what I will watch ;)


cyad February 6 2010, 20:29:51 UTC
so, which romantic comedy did you watch, in the end? :)


nicis_anatomy February 6 2010, 21:57:53 UTC
None (yet). Last night I was too tired and today I spend most of the day reading. Maybe tomorrow. iTunes has "Weather Girls" for rent. I could use some Mark ;)


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nicis_anatomy February 5 2010, 19:37:18 UTC
;) Thank you!


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