[Drabble] More than just a name

Jan 07, 2010 17:39

TITLE: More than just a name
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
SUMMARY: Tim seems to be the guy with the most nicknames but Tony’s never-ending teasing isn’t as annoying for Tim as one would guess ... - for challenge #169 "Timothy McGee" at ncisdrabble100.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to ( Read more... )

fandom: ncis, ncis: tim mcgee, ncis: team, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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Comments 7

marciafan January 7 2010, 20:31:49 UTC
Hahahahaha you forgot "McFlower-Power" XD I love Tony's nicknames for McGee, so glad you thought about writing a drabble about them ♥


nicis_anatomy January 8 2010, 05:58:40 UTC
No, I didn't forget it. I just couldn't use it. There are way to many nicknames for a single drabble *sighs*

Thank you. I had no idea what to write for this challenge, but suddenly these names were there and the rest came by itself ;)


ami_ven January 7 2010, 23:58:55 UTC
Fantastic! Of course, McGee would see the nicknames as a sign of caring, but also be a little annoyed. Very well done.


nicis_anatomy January 8 2010, 05:59:46 UTC
Thank you! I'm not sure if Tim really thinks this way, but it would make his life with Tony much easier if he would ;)


nakeisha January 10 2010, 18:16:43 UTC
Apologies for the delay in reading this. I hadn't written my McGee drabble and I didn't want to in anyway 'steal' anything - not that for a moment I think you'd have thought that, but even so.

I love this. Really good and Tim is right, why would anyone spend all that time on names if it wasn't for a positive reason.


nicis_anatomy January 10 2010, 19:55:16 UTC
No need to apologize, Nikki!! Thank you for reading. I can understand that you were afraid to 'steal'. I would have had the same fears ;) But I would never think you steal. Never!

Thank you! Yes, I'm sure Tony cares for Tim. Why would he spend so much time teasing him? ;)


nakeisha January 11 2010, 13:39:51 UTC
And as I said I know you'd never think it, just as I'd never think it of you.

Oh, he does care. Well indeed!


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