[Drabble] English 101

Dec 08, 2009 09:30

TITLE: English 101
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTERS: Jethro Gibbs, Ducky Mallard
GENRE: Gen, Humour, Crossover (with Doctor Who)
SUMMARY: Jethro has trouble understanding his new assistant and he asked Ducky for advise - for challenge #166 'Dr. Donald Mallard' at ncisdrabble100. Part 3 of my "Noble Universe" - but could stand alone.
DISCLAIMER: I ( Read more... )

fandom: ncis, fandom: doctor who, ncis: ducky mallard, doctor who: donna noble, ncis: jethro gibbs, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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Comments 15

samueljames December 8 2009, 10:56:42 UTC
I imagine Donna would drive Gibbs mad even if she is worth her weight in gold.


nicis_anatomy December 8 2009, 12:06:44 UTC
I'm sure she would. Too bad that might never happen on the show *g*


marciafan December 8 2009, 11:53:54 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHA Ducky's copy of "Redhead 101"?? I cracked up at that! And although I have never seen Doctor Who, I think I'd like this character you used for a few crossover lol.


nicis_anatomy December 8 2009, 12:10:38 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Donna is awesome. I'm sure you would love her.
Do you know Cathrine Tate? If not, maybe that will give you a first impression (a sketch she did with David Tennant - the Doctor):

(Her hair looks a bit weird, though, but she really talks like this. Poor Jethro ... *g*)


marciafan December 8 2009, 12:31:11 UTC
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA thanks for the link LOL the sketch had me rolling on the floor laughing looool! Bloody brilliant British humour, I love it! "You are the most insolent child I've ever had the misfortune to teach!" "Thank ye." HAHAHAHAHA love that! And the "Are ye the Doctor?" "Doctor who?" "I KNEW IT!" LOOOOOOOL And omg, her British English is baaaaaaad XD thank goodness I'm used to the sound of it thanks to Sharon Osbourne's accent lol otherwise I would seriously have trouble understanding what she says XD


nicis_anatomy December 8 2009, 12:40:12 UTC
You're welcome. I think I had to watch it ten times or more before I understood everything she said ;)
And now you know how Jethro might feel *g*


nakeisha December 8 2009, 12:46:30 UTC
*Smiles and giggles*

So lovely.

Thank you for this.

Such fun and very in character.


nicis_anatomy December 8 2009, 13:59:14 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. This was again one of the drabble I usually 'create' on my way to work (instead of concentration on the traffic *g*)


ladyhannibal December 8 2009, 14:35:21 UTC
*laughs* You tagged the characters to a T! Very Funny!


nicis_anatomy December 9 2009, 06:02:04 UTC
Thank you ;) I'm glad you liked it!


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nicis_anatomy December 9 2009, 06:04:16 UTC
Me neither ;) But who knows ... maybe it'll help him to work things out with Donna (or Jen *g*).

Thank you! Yes, that was an excuse to write more. Actually, this was planned for the second drabble, but I wasn't in the mood to write this conversation then, so I 'had to' now ;)

You're sick, too? *Hugs you* Join the club *sighs* Hope you're better soon!!


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nicis_anatomy December 11 2009, 09:11:17 UTC
Yes, we should stop these conversations ;) You only end up with more plotbunnies ;) On the other hand ... I love these brainstormings we have so we shouldn't stop then.

"Understanding your silver-fox 101" ... That sounds like something Abby could possibly write, don't you think?

The flu? Oh, poor you *sends some vitamins and warm blankets* Hope you feel better soon!


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