[Drabble] A Noble Addition

Nov 19, 2009 11:24

TITLE: A Noble Addition
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTERS: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs plus a special guest
SUMMARY:Jenny hires another assistent to help Jethro and his team. As expected he isn't happy about this at all - for challenge #46 'crossover' (with Doctor Who) at ncisdrabble100.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters ( ( Read more... )

fandom: ncis, fandom: doctor who, ncis: jenny shepard, doctor who: donna noble, ncis: jethro gibbs, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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Comments 12

nakeisha November 19 2009, 13:10:58 UTC
*Applauds wildly*

Oh, I love it!

*Wipes eyes*

Such an easy scene to envisage!


nicis_anatomy November 19 2009, 14:13:54 UTC
Really? Thank you. I wasn't so sure if it would work, but the idea of Donna meeting Gibbs amused me and it would be funny to see those two characters working together. Donna would drive him crazy within seconds and vice versa ;)
Maybe someone should write a real story about this *g*


nakeisha November 19 2009, 15:47:36 UTC
Indeed, really.

Oh, it worked so well.

I just have this picture of Gibbs and Donna - and you know, I'm actually not sure who'd win *g*

Maybe someone should *Eyes Nici*


nicis_anatomy November 19 2009, 20:27:07 UTC
Me?? Hm ... I've never written Donna before and the only reason I used her here was her red hair and the imagination of her and Jethro giving each other a hard time ;)
But, okay. I can try. I will put it on my to-do-list ;)


(The comment has been removed)

nicis_anatomy November 20 2009, 18:50:10 UTC
Thank you ;) I'm glad you do.


ami_ven November 20 2009, 05:19:59 UTC
What a great idea! I can just imagine this happening... *g*


nicis_anatomy November 20 2009, 18:50:58 UTC
Really? Thank you. I'm glad you can. Maybe I will write more (once I have enough time. Next month ... next year ... *g*)


indigocat November 21 2009, 03:24:35 UTC
Once Donna gets on Gibbs team, there will be no way that Gibbs will let her leave the team.


nicis_anatomy November 21 2009, 22:31:34 UTC
You think so? I don't know. She can be pretty annoying. But she's also brilliant (and a redhead) which makes her a great addition to the team ... Yeah, maybe you're right ;)
Thanks for reading!


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