[Drabble] All that matters

Oct 12, 2009 11:26

TITLE: All that matters
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTERS: Jenny Shepard, René Benoit
GENRE: Gen, Angst, Dark
WARNING: Spoiler for the whole 'Frog' Storyline in season 4&5, not beta'd
SUMMARY: In the end the truth won’t change anything and all that matters is to forgive … - for challenge #158 'Forgive' at ncisdrabble100 and prompt #16 'It was time to forgive.' for 24_times.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.


"Why did my father have to die?" she asked. "What did he do to you?" Jenny's grip tightened around his hand, her anger taking on a dramatic scale.
He just kept staring at her, silently, as he'd done since she'd stepped on board. Only the nervous twitching in his eyes had changed from surprise to the sudden realization that he wasn't going to survive the night.
"Tell me!" She demanded.
"He was in the way," he answered, his voice trembling with fear. He winched when she put more pressure on her thumb.
"In the way of what? You?"
"Does it matter, Jenny?" he asked, trying to steady his voice, but failed the second she put her gun to his head. "Do it! Kill me. What are you waiting for?"
"For the truth." Jenny's hand was shaking and for a second she closed her eyes, certain that this was the end- her end- that she wasn’t able to kill the man who was responsible for her father’s death.
"The truth won't change anything," he said, quietly. "It won't bring him back and I will die anyway. In the end ... nothing matters in the end. Only one thing: Forgiveness."
"I will never forgive you!" She nearly spit the words into his face.
"I know, Jenny. And I’m not talking about me. I'm talking about you. Will you ever be able to forgive you? For what you are about to do? Killing a woman’s father? Taking away the one person she’d always looked up to, admired, loved?"
"Shut up!" Jenny screamed, burning with anger now. She was fully aware of what he was - almost successfully - trying to do. She released the safety catch.
"Jeanne will never forgive you, and neither will you. But I will. I forgive you, Jenny."
She pulled the trigger.

- The End -

fandom: ncis, ncis: jenny shepard, community: 24_times, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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