TITLE: Life will go on
nicis_anatomyCHARACTER: Ziva David, Tony DiNozzo (Friendship or pre-het ... that's up to you)
GENRE: General, Angst, Friendship, episode tag for 7.21 "Obsession"
SUMMARY: Gibbs and Tony aren’t the only ones having problems with rule #10. Ziva had broken it, too, and she knows how Tony must feel ... Written for prompt #12 "Life will go on " for
12_stories and challenge #186 "Episode related" for
WARNINGS: Spoiler for 7.21 "Obsession". English still isn't my native language (although I wish) and the story is not beta'd.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.
Dry your eyes, face the dawn
Life will go on
("Live will go on" Chris Isaak)
He is already there, when she enters the bullpen the next morning. (She somehow knew he would).
He looks like he hasn’t slept at all. (She’s also expected this).
Slowly, she walks over to him. Stepping right in front of his desk, she watches him typing, silently waiting for him to notice her.
When he finally looks up, his puffy eyes ask a silent question (instead of the usual snarky remark she is used to), she knows that things are even worse. She realizes that she should've called him as she had planned to last night, knowing he must feel like he’s reached the end of the world.
She knows, because she’s been there; three years ago when it had been her turn to break rule #10. But for some strange reason (she still hasn’t figured out what it was) she hasn’t called him.
Maybe, it was hope that he’d be the one calling her, reaching out for a friend she wants to be. Maybe she was just afraid of being pushed away.
"You could’ve called" She doesn’t know why she says it and when the fear returns, she quickly turns around to walk to her place, hoping she could hide behind her desk.
"Ziva?" His voice is a bit hoarse but gently when he speaks. "Thank you."
She stops and turns around. He smiles, but the look he gives her is serious. Normally, this combination would've confused her. This time, however, it’s all the proof she needs to know what she (still) means to him.
Her "You’re welcome" is interrupted by Gibbs’s arrival. There’s a dead petty officer found in an alley in Norfolk and without hesitation they grab their gear.
It’s just another day on the office again (but Ziva knows this is anything but back to normal).
- The End -