[Drabble] A Noble Addition

Nov 19, 2009 11:24

TITLE: A Noble Addition
AUTHOR: nicis_anatomy
CHARACTERS: Jenny Shepard, Jethro Gibbs plus a special guest
SUMMARY:Jenny hires another assistent to help Jethro and his team. As expected he isn't happy about this at all - for challenge #46 'crossover' (with Doctor Who) at ncisdrabble100.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters (although I'd love to own Action Figure Gibbs), nor am I making any money from them. If I would Season 5 would have ended different.
NOTE: I have no idea where these drabble are suddenly coming from ... not beta’d.


"Jen, what the hell were you thinking?" Jethro could hardly hide the anger in his voice and it surprised Jenny that he even managed to close the door instead of shouting at her through Cynthia's office
She'd known he would be angry at her for bringing in another member for his team, but this one was supposed to help them only with their paperwork. And Jenny had checked her out before, just to make sure she won't hire another Charles Sterling. Okay, she could've discussed it with Jethro before hiring her, but nonetheless, it was still her agency and her decision.
"Give her a change, Jethro," Jenny said. "She is good."
"But she's English."
"Ducky's English, and you don’t seem to have a problem with him."
Jethro opened his mouth, but Jenny shut him off before he could argue more. "It's only temporary and you have to admit that you could use some help with your paperwork since McGee is down with the flu and Tony isn't ... well, he's faster than you with the computer, but she types 100 words a minute -"
"Okay, Jen. I get it." Jethro sighed. "But make sure she won’t talk all day. You know I can’t work with people that are ..."
"Chatty? Like Abby?" Jenny asked. "I'm sure you can handle her all by yourself, Jethro. You and your famous stare ..." She smiled, relieved but still suspicious because it had been that easy to convince him. Maybe it was because the temp was a redhead and not that bad looking? Jenny knew there was something about the woman she’d disliked when they first met. But now it was too late.
"It'll be alright, Jethro," she said, opening the door again and invited the woman in.
"Donna Noble, I’d like you to meet Agent Gibbs."

- The End -

fandom: ncis, fandom: doctor who, ncis: jenny shepard, doctor who: donna noble, ncis: jethro gibbs, community: ncisdrabble100, fanart: drabble

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