[oneshot] The end of summer, TegoPi, R

Feb 03, 2009 10:15

Title : The end of summer
Author : nichiya
Pairing : TegoPi
Rating : R
Genre : AU, angst?
Disclaimer : none are mine T_T
Words : 4,023
Summary : He didn’t know why his heart beat faster than usual. Maybe it was because she looked different that night. Maybe it was the rain. Maybe it was the coldness. Yes, he blamed on the rain. He knew it was wrong but he wanted her.
A/N : girl!tegoshi again, inspired by “14sai no haha” drama, so you get what the story is about ne?
Beta-ed by : snowy_yuki, thank you so much <33

The end of summer

It was Monday morning. Another week has started yet again. 15 years old Tegoshi Yuya sighed for the nth time. She was waiting for her train to school anxiously. She cursed herself for being overslept. She knew she was going to be late then. Finally her train arrived and as expected, she was soon found herself pushed by other people behind her as it was awfully packed that day. She settled herself near the door, standing in front of male student who was sleeping in his seat. She couldn’t see his face but he was wearing the high school uniform. She looked around and realized that most of people around her were salary men. She never felt comfortable around them.

Just a minute after the train took off, she could feel a hand slightly touched her bottom area. She startled and titled her head to the back in reflect. She saw the man behind her gave her an apologetic look. She shrugged and thought it was only an accident that his hand touched her. She resumed looking back to the window. But soon after, she could feel something again and it wasn’t just a simple touch, it was more a hand molested her ass. She knew it was the same man. She was too scared to look at that bastard. She couldn’t scream because it would attract attention. She bit her lips. She knew she would cry anytime soon.

She still stood there frozen until she felt a soft tap on her hand. The male student in front of him has woken up and offered his seat to her. She quickly sat down and bent her head to her feet, pressing her school bag tightly to her chest. She didn’t dare looking at both of her savior and molester. She was like that until she heard her station was announced on the next stop. She hurriedly stood up and busted out to the door. She never felt this relieved when the door finally opened and she alighted from the train. Her heart was still beating so fast.

Sexual harassment.

She just couldn’t believe she just had one. It was something embarrassed enough. She even couldn’t tell about it to her mother, most especially her friends. She just wanted to forget that incident. She never felt herself attractive. She was just ordinary junior high school student. She was nothing special, or so she thought.

She was late and she spent the first half of school at the clinic. She didn’t feel like to study at all. She lied to the nurse saying that she had a stomach cram. She finally entered the classroom after lunch. Her friends asked what happened and she uttered the same lie. She wasn’t herself that day. Everyone missed her cheerfulness.

School ended and she decided she didn’t want to go home first. She went to the river near her house. She loved going there and wandered around. The sound of river flowing always gave her a peaceful feeling. She was surprised when she saw someone else already took her favorite spot. It was the boy from the train.

Her saviour.

He was lying down on the grass with his school bag as his pillow. He didn’t close his eyes though. She was mesmerized by his eyes. They were deep and beautiful. She thought the boy was beautiful. Beautiful? Yes, she had no other word to describe him. She walked closer to him. He could feel her presence.

You? The girl from the train this morning?

She nodded, still standing beside him until she realized he might have seen anything inside her skirt down there. She knew he didn’t mean to peek out. She blushed and took few steps behind. He chuckled.

Hey, don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone it’s pink.

She pouted and unconsciously held her skirt, making the other chuckled. The boy finally got up and was in sitting position. He patted to the ground beside him, signaling her to sit down. She obediently followed the silent order and took a seat. They didn’t speak anything for a while.

Thank you, she finally said.

He smiled and said it was nothing. He apologized that he didn’t notice it earlier. She shook her head and replied it was okay. She was thankful he didn’t make a big deal about it as she didn’t want anyone else to know she was sexually harassed in the train. He promised he would keep it a secret. Their pinkies entwined. A promise.

I’m Yamashita Tomohisa.

She finally learnt his name. He was 2 years older and a second grade high school student near her school. She told him her name and he joked how her name didn’t suit her. She pouted again and babbled on how it was nothing new since people always picked on her name. He chuckled and patted her head. He said it was a beautiful name.

Yuya, he said. Call me Tomo.

She felt warm and comfortable around him. The incident at the train was forgotten.

The next day, she found him at the train station waiting for her. He said he would protect her from filthy hands from that day and she couldn’t help but smile widely and blush a little. She pretended that she didn’t need his help, but once the train arrived and people started pushing from behind, she shifted her body closer to him in reflect. He smiled and moved his body so that Yuya’s little figure was covered. She felt safe around him. The journey was filled with silence but she didn’t mind at all. As long as she could feel his presence, it was enough. There were times when she lost her balance and he had to grasp her waist or shoulder to keep her steady. She wished he couldn’t feel her thumping heart.

What kind of feeling is this?, questioned her mind.

They bid goodbye at their destination station. She walked to her school with huge smile all over her face. Her friends asked her what happened and she replied nothing, in secretly way. They push on but Yuya just giggled and hide her smile under her hand. Her friends eventually gave up but they were happy to see her back to her cheerful self.


Since that day, school days especially morning would be her favorite days. She never had been that excited to go to school. Her mother confused to see the changes. How she didn’t need her yell to wake her up anymore. And how she always finished her breakfast in hurry as if she was afraid getting late. But she never told her mom about him. She only shared him with her diary.

Then summer holiday came. The thought that she couldn’t see him for a while, made her feeling down. She couldn’t help it. She knew that he probably only treated her like his little sister and nothing more. But still, she missed him. So much until sometimes she cried in her bed. She wished summer holiday would end soon.


A week before summer holiday ended, her friends asked her to see hanabi party at a natsu matsuri in her town. She refused at first, but after few more phone calls and her mother persuasion, she gave up. She needed some fun after all. She refused wearing yukata though, and it made her mother a bit sad. She always wanted to see her daughter more feminine. But frankly speaking, Yuya didn’t need those girly clothes. She was naturally pretty with big sparkly brown eyes, long eyelashes, and cute pink lips. She only wore summer dress, soft make-up, and let her hair loosed down her shoulder. Finally her mother satisfied with her looks.

She arrived at matsuri with few girlfriends but apparently they have made some appointments with the boys from their school. She felt like being cheated. She didn’t like being set up with boys, especially boys around her age. Childish and immature boys, she thought. She ditched her supposed-to-be-date boy and wandered around by herself. She met him by accident. He was with his friends, mostly girls, high school girls, with heavy make-up and mini skirts. One of them clung on him tightly. He eventually caught Yuya’s figure.

Yuya? Are you alone?, he asked in worry tone.

The girls around him whispered something about her. About how Yamashita-kun could possibly know a little common girl like her. They whispered about how casual her clothes for a matsuri like this. About how her hair that didn’t have anything on it. She frowned in annoyance as she hated being judged like that. She ignored his question and ran away. He freed himself from the girl’s tight grip and ran after her. It was easy to catch her by the arm. He was way much taller anyway.

Yuya, what’s wrong?, he asked again under his breath.

He was shocked to see tears in her eyes. She struggled but he didn’t let go, instead he embraced her and let her cry in his chest. He didn’t care people started looking at them. He took her to the quieter area as he didn’t want people thought he was the one who made her cry. Though technically he did, he just didn’t know that.

She finally calmed down and stopped her crying. He passed his handkerchief that she thankfully received and started cleaning herself. She felt so ashamed to burst out crying over nothing. That girl probably was only friends of him, not his girlfriend. He wouldn’t run for her if she was his girlfriend, logically speaking.

Tomo-kun, she started. I miss you.

He smiled and patted her head. He missed her too, he said. He then promised her that he would be her date that night and two of them would enjoy matsuri together. She finally smiled and nodded excitedly. They ate takoyaki and yakisoba together. They had fun at some matsuri games though at the end they didn’t win anything. They also took purikura at the game centre near the matsuri area. Lastly, they watched the hanabi party together. It was the best first date for her ever.

He walked her home and just when she thought everything would be over soon, the rain started to fall heavily. They ran and found an empty shack to shelter. None of them brought umbrella obviously. Who would have thought rain would fall in the summer time anyway? They decided to stay until rain stopped.

The shack was dark and cold. She couldn’t help but gritted her teeth and crossed her hands around her shoulder to stop her body from shaking. She’s cold. They soaked in wet from hair to toes. They would catch a cold if they didn’t remove their wet clothes. He hesitated at first but he took off his shirt and hung it on the rope, hoping it would dry by the time the rain stopped. She blushed upon seeing his bare top body. He has nice build chest, six-packs abs and tone muscled arms.

He walked to her direction and wrapped his arms around her shoulder, hoping it would warm her a bit. But her small body was still shaking in cold. He couldn’t possibly tell her to strip her clothes because it would make him sounded like a maniac. But he also didn’t want her to get sick. He rubbed his palm to her shoulder and looked at her pale face and shaky lips.

He didn’t know why his heart beat faster than usual. Maybe it was because she looked different that night. Maybe it was the rain. Maybe it was the coldness. Yes, he blamed on the rain. He knew it was wrong but he wanted her. And he slowly pressed his lips to hers. Her eyes widened in shock but she didn’t reject it. It was her first kiss after all. She felt warm with his kiss. Sweet and tenderly kiss. She shyly parted her lips and immediately his tongue slipped inside, devoured her moist cavern and tangled their tongues in hot passionate kisses.

Heat of arousal started to attack their bodies. He knew both of them wanted it. He stopped the kiss and looked into her eyes, asked for permission. She nodded sheepishly, still panting from the kiss sensation. He slowly removed her summer dress, her matching pink bra and underwear. He was surprised to see her beautiful naked body. Her smooth creamy skin, her blossom teenage breasts, her flat stomach, her slim waist, it was simply beautiful. He wanted to taste every inches of it. He carefully laid her down and started kissing, licking, tasting her body. She moaned underneath him, closing her eyes, enjoying the pleasure he served her.

She jolted when he started touching her intimate area, she grunted incoherent words. Her face reddened with heat and passion. She was wet and ready. She wanted him inside.

Tomo-kun, she begged. Please.

He didn’t bring any protection but he wanted her so bad. He knew she couldn’t hold back either. He quickly opened his pants and kicked it out along with his boxer. He slowly entered her. She yelped for the pain. First time is always hurt, that she knew. She read about it somewhere. As he was worried that he might be too big for her, he didn’t move further. He waited until she got used to it. He bent down and kissed her, trying to ease her pain. She responded the kiss and wrapped her legs around his waist and he knew it was the right time to thrust. Slowly at first as he didn’t want to hurt her more. She made little breathy sounds along with his thrust, and then when he reached her g-spot she couldn’t help but scream and begged him to move faster. He obeyed and groaned with each sensation he felt in the pit of his stomach. It was also his first time. He never knew sex could be this amazing. They finally reached the climax and screamed for the ecstasy.

An hour later, they quickly dressed. The warmth of heat after sex was replaced with coldness again once they put on their half dried clothes. But rain has finally stopped and they knew they had to end their adventure that night. They kissed again before he took her home. She didn’t allow him to meet her mother because she would be suspicious and asked endless questions. She felt so tired and only wanted to rest. He didn’t protest and leave her alone. He made sure she safely entered her house before he resumed his journey home, with big smile on his face.


She never felt so happy in her life that she finally has a boyfriend. They met up almost everyday before the school started again. She lied to her mother saying she hung out with her girlfriends. They repeated what they did in the shack. Sometimes in his bedroom when nobody at home, sometimes at the closet in station during quiet hours, sometimes at love hotel, it was crazy. But love was always crazy, right? They always used protection after their first time. Sex was surely addicting and they addicted to each other.


3 months later.

She started feeling something different with her body. She missed her periods but since she just started it 2 years ago, she wasn’t worried. She didn’t always get it regularly anyway. She felt changes on her breasts too. She also felt cravings for certain food, especially ice cream. But one thing that made her suspicious that she might be pregnant was her morning sickness. It was really bad, and she couldn’t help it. She often excused herself from classes to go to bathroom, dealing with her nausea. Her mother wasn’t an idiot. She noticed something was wrong with her daughter. And from the symptoms, she knew her daughter was pregnant.

She didn’t scold her but calmly took her to the hospital and got her pregnancy test. Yuya was never been so scared in her life before. She was still 15 years old. She couldn’t be pregnant. But the test was positive. She was really 3 months old pregnant. Her mother was very shocked and looked at her in big disappointment. She was ashamed for herself for not being a good mother.

I’m sorry, Mama, she cried at the car on their journey home.

Tell me, who is he, Yuya? How could you do this to me?, her mother asked sternly from behind the car steer wheel.

Her mother was not angry. But Yuya could see that her mother was very disappointed. She never saw her mother being this way before. It hurt her but she knew she deserved it. What she did was wrong and it was a disgrace for her family. She didn’t answer the questions, she just kept on crying. Her mother sighed and gave up, she knew she couldn’t push her daughter. She decided to find the answer herself. Once she arrived home, she went to Yuya’s room and searched anything that could give her the answer. She found her diary.

So his name is Yamashita Tomohisa? Did he know about this? asked her mother and she just shook her head.

She hasn’t told Tomo-kun about this, she didn’t want to burden him either. In fact she hasn’t seen him for almost 2 months. He was really busy with his soccer club. His morning practices made him couldn’t wait her at the station anymore. She was busy with her radio club too. She has applied after summer ended and now she was one of the announcers. She realized she couldn’t always rely on him.

Good, he doesn’t need to know! From now on, cut all your ties with him. You will have abortion soon. decided her mother, which almost gave her feeling for getting lightning strike. Her mother also took her cell phone so there was no other way to contact him. She was speechless.

Later that night, she was lying in her bed, dried tears still on her cheeks. Still couldn’t believe that she was pregnant, she has a baby growing inside her. She touched her stomach, it was still flat. She didn’t know if it was mother instinct or not, but she felt really attached with her pregnancy already. She knew she didn’t want to lose it. She made a decision.

She refused abortion. Her parents were against her decision at first. Any parents wanted the best for their children, and of course having baby without husband at such a young age would never considered as best. But they also really loved their only daughter. They wanted her to be happy, so they gave up and supported her decision to keep the baby. They still didn’t allow her to contact him though. It made her suffer, but it was a sacrifice she must to face.


3 months later.

Her pregnancy was already obvious, they couldn’t hide it anymore. Her stomach was growing bigger and she already stopped going to school. Rumors were going around about her pregnancy, wondering about the father of the baby. But they kept silent. She spent most of time at home. She learnt knitting. She made a muffler for her father, a hat for her mother, and a sweater for her unborn baby. She picked blue thread for the sweater. Somehow she suspected her baby was a boy.

Then she met him again. It was when she went shopping with her mother, she ran out wool thread for the sweater. Her mother was in the supermarket buying some groceries. She decided to wait her at the lobby with the shopping bags. Her stomach was getting heavier so she needed rest after some walks. She comfortably sat then she saw familiar figure entered the mall, laughing freely with his soccer buddies. She tried to hide herself but no avail. He already saw her. He was shocked to see her pregnancy. He said something to his buddies. They nodded and walked forward without him.

Yuya, long time no see. How are you? he started the conversation after he sat beside her.

Pregnant, she answered in sarcastic tone.

Is it mine? he asked again, though he would know the answer already.

She nodded. He frowned in frustration. He knew something was wrong when he didn’t see her anymore for the past 5 months. He missed her a lot. But he was also busy with school and soccer club, he tried contacting her to her cell phone but the number was no longer active. He thought she didn’t want to see him anymore. But seeing her pregnant with his child, he knew he wanted to be with her.

Yuya, I will take responsibility. Let me be with you through this, he declared, his eyes showed sincerity.

Her eyes grew larger. She couldn’t hold her tears anymore. She thought he already left her long time ago, she thought he wouldn’t be possibly responsible under his situation. He was still 17 years old. He still has bright future ahead him. She didn’t want to ruin his future. It was okay for hers, but not his. He assured her that he would talk to his parents and proposed her officially.


The next day, he did show up to her house with both of his parents. His eyes were black and blue from the punches he received over his father’s anger. But he was proud that his son was brave enough for not running away from his responsibility. They were asking her parents to let their son to marry her soon after both of them were legal. She just celebrated her 16th birthday last month, they would get married after Tomohisa turned 18 in April, the baby would be born around March, so everything was perfectly planned. They were officially engaged.

I love you, Yuya, he whispered while inserted the silver ring on her slender finger.

I love you too, Tomo-kun, she whispered back, smiling so radiantly to be able with the one she loved once again.


On her 8 months pregnancy, her water broke. It was too early, but they all were pretty calmed, as the doctor already warned it would happen on young age pregnancy. They took her the hospital. The baby labor was difficult because her waist was too tiny, she had trouble with her breathing too. The doctor said she would have a Caesar instead. Tomohisa stayed beside her all time. The baby was born premature, but he was alive. Yes, it was a boy, just like her prediction. They took him to incubator box immediately. She lost too many bloods, she knew she was dying.

Tomo-kun, is he alright? she asked weakly.

Tomoya is a strong boy, he will be alright, you have to fight too, Yuya! he encouraged his fiancée with his hand never left hers. They named the baby boy with both their names combined. They already talked about his name soon after the engagement.

Please take care Tomoya … I-I love you, Tomohisa, she slowly closed her eyes.

Tegoshi Yuya died peacefully at age of 16 around the people she loved most. Her strong will to keep her baby until her last breath was amazing. As for Tomohisa, he lost half of his soul, but he knew he had to move on for the sake of their baby son. Yamashita Tomohisa was a single father at age of 17.


On his 18th birthday, he visited the grave of his lover with baby Tomoya in his arms. He cried when he saw the tombstone.

Here lies our beloved daughter
And a fighter mother
Tegoshi Yuya
Born : 1987.11.11
RIP : 2004.02.14
She will be in our hearts forever

He looked at the sky, bright blue sky above him. Somehow he knew Yuya was near them, maybe she already turned into angel to guard two of them, he believed in angels. He promised to take care of their son with all his best. Before he left the graveyard, he took a last look at the tombstone.

Yuya, will you wait for me in heaven?


The End

I’m sorry I still can’t get rid girl!Tegoshi off my mind xD also sorry for the sad ending T_T but not every story has happy ending, right? I wrote this in 1 day only, sorry for the mess, the timeline is kinda off too, but too lazy to edit ^^;;

Comments are love <33

2009, !fanfic

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