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Comments 14

comesback June 30 2011, 06:48:19 UTC
Jack hasn't taken his gaze off Zevran since he set the ship into orbit. Thankfully, Ted remembered to put in an autopilot function when he built it. He settles near Zevran, almost near enough to touch but not quite, as if he wants to reassure himself, too, that it truly isn't a dream.

"It's not, I think," he replies after a moment or two. "I'm real enough, so's the ship, and I'm reasonably sure you are, too." There's a hint of a grin, and he reaches to cup Zevran's cheek for a second. "See? It's probably just the gravity making you feel a bit off. You'll get used to it." He pauses, glances out the window, then back to Zevran.

"God, it's good to see you --" He trails off, unsure of what exactly to say next. Good to see him alive? Unhurt, at least physically? He settles on 'you', then, and just leaves the sentence to hang, until -- Oh, right, the unhurt bit. That was probably important.

"You're not hurt, are you?" He gestures to the mess of blood and other such things, with a little frown.


niceassassin June 30 2011, 07:14:05 UTC
Circling the Earth isn't that difficult to do unaided; satellites do it all the time. The only challenge is not slamming into the clutter remaining from said satellites. That would be an embarrassing way to go, after that badass stand against the Bureau's agents ( ... )


comesback June 30 2011, 07:45:07 UTC
"The sort that's not shoddy but has just gotten out of prison," Jack says flatly. He needs to move, needs to do something, so he gets up again and starts pacing, still with an eye on Zevran.

"I know," he replies quietly, finally. "I know it feels like one of their tricks, I had two bloody years of those --" He cuts himself off abruptly. "No. You don't want to hear about that." Jack looks far away for a moment or two, lost in some recent memory he would rather not be thinking about. When he finally returns to the present, slightly troubled; he crouches next to Zevran again, ready to move quickly if he has to.

"Okay, how can I convince you?"


niceassassin June 30 2011, 07:58:57 UTC
Zevran wants to just watch him, to ground himself in admiring the sharp purpose with which Jack moves. But it's not enough. He has to keep up the bold front. Just in case...

Just in case what? What more could the Bureau or their agents do to either of them? Two years. It hurts to hear, and suddenly he doesn't want to just look at Jack anymore.

So it's good that Jack gets close again. "I have an idea," Zevran says quietly, and in another lifetime it would have come out sultry and suggestive. In this one it's all rough, almost hoarse, and just plain needy. It's all the warning Jack gets before Zevran grabs him and pulls him forward almost onto his lap and starts kissing him.

There are probably other ways to reassure oneself of reality, but this is the one Zevran knows. And he doesn't care that he still has other people's blood on him.


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