Title: it was now (and we were both in the same place) Chapter: 1/1 Rating: hard R Pairing: Finn/Santana Word Count: 3,575 Prompt: Stop sending me mixed messages. Left by smc_27 at the Santana Lopez Drabble Meme. Disclaimer: Not mine.
♥ Man. I love them together. Finn doing relationshippy things and being all freaked out is hilarious. Santana's reactions to all those things was perfect and hilar too. It should be a 'verse. * cough * Awesome job, bb! :)
I love them together, too! So much it's stupid, really.
I rule nothing out, regarding 'verses and potential sequels and what have you, though I have nothing planned for this. Just seventeen other story ideas, at least one of which is Finn/Santana. So.
Comments 11
I love this every bit as much as I did when I first read it. Possibly more, because I actually forgot you'd written it.
Thanks, hon!
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I rule nothing out, regarding 'verses and potential sequels and what have you, though I have nothing planned for this. Just seventeen other story ideas, at least one of which is Finn/Santana. So.
Thanks, doll! ♥
this is so good, i love future finntana :)
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