Title: Don’t I Get A Dream For Myself [Chapter Thirteen]
Author: niblettk
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, Burt Hummel, Finn Hudson, ensemble / Puckurt, other couples are mostly canon (Finchel, Brittana, Wemma, Tartie, and Burt/Carole-whatever we’re calling that one)
Warning: This story does include medical
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Comments 16
Can't wait for the next part
This was amazing and hopeful and lovely and happy and god, but I want to hug so many people in this story--though you, as the author, would be at the front of the line.
Let me deal with the big, obvious spot of happy up from: Puck. Kurt. Puckurt!
I love that after the big, horrible drama of their last conversation, their reconciliation--and movement towards a new stage in their relationship--comes so easily. You've made it so that Kurt's agreement, “Okay. I’ll let you try”, is suddenly the most wonderful, romantic, hopeful phrase ever ( ... )
I've been having a really bad past half-hour, so getting this in my e-mail just brightened me right up.
Sigh. Thank you.
If life's beating up on you too hard, and you need an e-mail detailing some of the reasons that you are wonderful, you let me know, and I'll get all over that, like... like...
...like Finn on cake.
It was the easy comparison, I know, but still a good one.
Maybe... like Puck on Kurt? *Raises eyebrows thoughtfully.*
Regardless, you get my point. Really, I hope it's getting better!
I'm glad you liked the chapter.
Awesome chapter is awesome! Not (just) because Puck and Kurt finally got together. ♥
I'd leave a more detailed review, but it's beyond late, and I'm beyond tired. (Watercolor painting at three in the morning? Yeah, not such a good idea. My retinas. On. FIRE.)
I cannot WAIT for more! ♥
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