Title: Revelation
Characters: Leeteuk, Heechul, Yesung, Shindong, Siwon, Eunhyuk, Donghae
Pairing: YeWon
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Summary: After keeping their relationship as a secret from their members for so long, Yesung and Siwon finally have to reveal it to them.
Disclaimer: I only own the plot and the story.
“Well I got into the apartment and I was so surprised to find Yesung hyung there…” )
Comments 3
It will be such a dream come true if they're being couple in real life, but yeah, as eunhyuk said, this thing can jeopardize the whole band...
Korean people are more open about lgbt now, at least the youngs and compared to our own country. I bet sj's image is almost unsalvageable in korea now and if there is to be a sexuality scandal, i bet the members wouldnt get really affected. Korea hate them anyway...
Agree, I could imagine Heechul being cool about it. I guess he's better than leeteuk in handling this issue
Nah, korean netizen might hate them more and sj would probably be cool about it, as they always be, but I always hate the way SM treat them whenever they involve in scandal
*Korean people are more open about lgbt now*
Nah, my fren said korean are still pretty much conservative about it
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