I blame miarr.

Dec 01, 2008 17:37

Reply to this post, and I will list three or more things I like about you. Then repost to your own journal to spread the love.
In other news, for those of you who I haven't already squeed to at length, I JUST BOUGHT A NEW LAPTOP!!!!111!!1!  It is a Midnight Blue Dell XPS 1530, and I am already in love with it even though I haven't actually seen it ( Read more... )

real life, awesome

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Comments 19

rhea314 December 2 2008, 03:10:00 UTC


nianeyna December 2 2008, 20:54:16 UTC
1) You share my love of milk. Oh by the way, before I went to college my family bought about two gallons of milk a week. I knew I drank at least half of that, but I thought the other four people in my family at least drank some of it. But as it turns out, not so. Apparently these days my family goes through less than a quart a week. Which means that I was singlehandedly drinking the whole two gallons. *head/desk* Oh, well, at least I have healthy bones...

2) Your hair. 'Nuff said. :D

3) You're an awesome fandom friend. I'm so glad dreamwaffles introduced us, because Supernatural just wouldn't be the same without you.


brainmissing December 2 2008, 08:26:22 UTC
meeeee too!

What happened to getting a desktop compu? In February? WHATEVS! I must meet the new addition to your family. And wear those boots... >.


nianeyna December 2 2008, 20:59:30 UTC
Oh, you'll meet him all right. What say you to an Oblivion date sometime over break?

The desktop... well, here's the saga. Sunday night I was at work, toodling around online comparing different desktop computer configurations on Digital Storm. The computer I was looking to get was going to cost between 1800 and 2000 dollars, which is why I wasn't going to be able to buy it until February. But then I went onto the Dell website, just to compare their computers with Digital Storm's in the interest of being thorough. And also being bored, but that's beside the point. Anyway, I saw they were having a "cyber monday" sale, and the XPS was 600 dollars off. It hasn't got quite as many bells and whistles as the computer I was going to get, but it is still super sexy. XD Anyway, the sale was just for yesterday, so I thought, heck with it, and just bought the computer.

And yes, VAMPIRE STOMPING BOOTS FOR THE WIN. :D We're going to have to figure out when we're going to Twilight.


nianeyna December 2 2008, 21:03:17 UTC
1) As I believe I've mentioned, I love your lol. Also, you make me lol, so everytime we get together it's like an explosion of hilarity. :D Which is frankly awesome.

2) You see nothing odd about going to see the Twilight movie dressed as vampire hunters.

3) I love your brain. If I was a zombie, I would eat it. (Zombie pirates in love, yo ho!) ♥


miarr December 2 2008, 15:01:54 UTC
Congratulations on the new laptop! Surely with this mighty beast by your side, you shall totally pwn that writer's block, damn right. *cheers*


miarr December 2 2008, 15:03:12 UTC
P.S. *basks in blame* XD


nianeyna December 2 2008, 21:20:16 UTC
Oh, I'll pwn all right. :D Okay, here goes:

1) Your art. Oh my god, both your writing and drawing, it's some of the most beautiful anything I've ever seen. *soppy grin* It's just, like, can I bottle your artistic genius and use it in my plans to rule the world? Because I think it would pwn.

2) You're not stuck up about it or anything, but you always keep a level head on the web. It's really easy to get into flame wars and stupid arguments, but you never seem to lose your poise. You're able to have a discussion without turning it into a brawl, and I really admire that about you.

3) You're an amazing beta. I know, I know, you did such a bang-up job on my foolfic and then it pretty much disappeared into the void, but believe it or not I have made some progress on it. *sheepish* I even have a title now, it's going to be called, "The Rarest Thing in the World". Anyway, the point is that your comments are always helpful and you're really good at finding the good things as well as the flaws. Go you.


miarr December 5 2008, 05:29:53 UTC
I-I. You. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO SAY. *flails* Honestly, this page has been sitting open on my tabs bar for like three days now, and I keep reading your comment, melting into a stupid pile of warm n' fuzzy happiness, and then failing to respond. I guess warm n' fuzzy > coherent thought.

Anyway, thanks immensely-it means a lot to me. And JSYK, my artistic savvy is forever at your bottled-up service. >D

UNF UNF UNF @ FOOLFIC. I wants it, I wants it now. Just the mention of a title (which I really like, hence the excitement) has me all a-titter. If you want, I'll try to be around MSN and AIM (sineomuse at yahoo dot com ; and orefeous at gmail dot com, respectively) this weekend, and I'm always open to throwing around ideas. C'mon, it'll be fun; I'll bring the inspiration and free booze! XD


dreamwaffles December 4 2008, 18:42:38 UTC
Me! Me! -waves hands in air-

I won't be replying with my usual alacracity though because my laptop is still broken. -facepalm-


nianeyna December 5 2008, 04:21:45 UTC
1) The music. I seriously think I could listen to you play all day long. I remember once sophomore year I was doing workstudy for get-a-Grypp and I heard this beautiful flute music coming from somewhere down the hall. I ventured out to investigate (since who wants to do work study when there's music, right?) and I found you sitting on a desk in one of the other classrooms on the floor, playing. I don't think you noticed me poking my head in, but it just made me happy ( ... )


dreamwaffles December 6 2008, 01:37:30 UTC
I'm very happy that you like my music. I miss wandering in and chatting with you during your work-study...and I don't remember that, so I probably didn't see you. Hm.

FANDOM FTW. :D It made me so happy to have an rl fandom friend who I saw a lot, as rhea was at a different school and it was kind of le sad.

As for the sleeping... -sigh- I swear I can fall asleep on command these days. I'm glad you find it cute. Better that I'm adorable than you get annoyed. :D Cuddling forever!


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