HijiNKS Ensue: The ultimate Doctor Who and Star Trek:TOS connection. Read the alt text too, LADIES. Unfortunately, because of that word, I'm hearing it in the voice of the Old Spice Guy, which is just wrong on multiple levels of wrongness.
Bit that cracked me up? Daleks = "The pissed off hot water heaters that sound like Stephen Hawking fronting a grindcore band." Bonus points for the "explaining a long-running show to a new viewer is fresh hell" concept. Pimping shows can be such hard work. Almost lost my voice trying to pimp Firefly to a guy, but gained a loyal convert. He soon was manning the computers when I had to go to work, in the eternal F5-ing to refresh the page waiting for the moment the sneak preview tickets for Serenity went on sale in Dallas.