You know there was a request ages ago at the meme asking for Marvin's POV when watching Alan and Sam? I was the OP. So, this has put a huge smile on my face- it was funny and very nicely done :)
Heee! You're the OP of that? I had seen it, and this idea kind of springboarded from it - I considered filling it but just couldn't figure out how. I could, however, write something from Marv's perspective. Voila.
The cuteness killed me. I love that Marv mainly thinks of Sam as the guy who feeds him and his words for lengths of time were adorable. We get a bit of a look at Sam through this too which was interesting. Creative fic. :3
This was so cute and sweet. Poor Marv with his doggy angst. He's right though, you have to protect the Food Guy and Backup Food Guy. A dog has to have priorities. I know you have many, many and dare I say *many* fics to write, but it would be cute I think when Quorra shows up and Marv then has a Backup Food Girl for the Backup Food Guy.
Thank you! I must confess that I, um, had a thought last night about The Continued Adventures of Food Guy. It's probably something that will just pop up every now and then when my brain is fried from too much emotional shiznit in other stories.
Comments 9
I'm glad it made you smie!
I don't know where this came from, but I blame a couple of beers and a way-stressful week at work.
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