(no subject)

Nov 29, 2008 22:09

It so happens that in one of the busier parts of the Nexus, one that could pass for a normal city if one didn't look too closely, there is a flower shop. It's easy to overlook, stuck in between several much larger buildings, and a few blocks away from more exciting venues. The rows of brightly colored and fragrant flowers lined up in front of the windows are beautiful, sure, but this is the Nexus. They don't turn you into a small, fuzzy animal if you smell them, or switch your gender if you touch them. They don't even last forever, and they're not sentient. They're just... pretty flowers.

There are customers, of course, particularly for that very reason, but not a whole lot of them at this point. That's not to say that the shop is new. If you ask, locals from this area will tell it's been here for a while, they think. Hasn't it always been there? Or maybe it was a different shop, but who cares, anyway?

The girls do, of course. It turns out that pretty flowers and pretty boys can attract a following of sorts, even if neither are in very short supply around here.

Right now, however, the place is practically deserted. A few wind-chimes hanging out front jingle quietly in the slight breeze, and sometimes conversations drift in from the sidewalk, but silence is predominant.

There's only one person in sight, and judging by the apron, he works here. He has dark, reddish hair, is of average height and slender but lanky build, and is currently leaning against the front doorway, reading a book. He seems pretty engrossed in it, too.

Oh, the name of this nice little shop? Kitten in the House, of course.

(( OOC!))
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