(no subject)

Jul 25, 2008 22:59

Hell was certainly not what he'd expected. The demons were here, yes, as promised, and the lechers, the false prophets, the cheats and the liars, but he'd been led to believe (ha!) that there'd be more fire and brimstone, and less, well...

This place, for example, looked like nothing so much as a park. And aside from the random knife that came flying out of nowhere to embed itself in his flesh (he had quite the collection now, of both blades and freely bleeding wounds) there was a distinct lack of torture and pain.

Odd, that. It was almost as if...

His thoughts were interrupted by the solid thwack of yet another knife, this one rusted and dull, stirring out of the dirt and lodging itself in his upper arm. He yanked it free with a snarl and secured it in his pocket (throwing them away did no good, as he'd already learned). This was getting old.

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