((immediately after the post below))

Jul 01, 2007 22:16

When it happened (or rather, failed to happen, but that was a matter of semantics) Hakkai was cutting up vegetables for dinner. It was funny how easy it was to pretend things were fine when one was cooking. Hakkai'd discovered that secret years ago, before Kanan even, and had stuck to the tried-and-true formula ever since.

He'd had... well, not even a bad feeling. More a general sense of unease that had kept him moving all day with a sort of nervous energy. The kind that made him clean on rainy days or bake cookies when Gojyo was out too late.


He paused in his chopping, trying to figure out what was wrong for a long moment before he realized. Nothing was wrong. The feeling he'd been steadfastly ignoring all day was gone, and with it, something else he'd never paid conscious attention to. Not gone back to the normal, 'all is well' state, just... gone.

It wasn't until long after his knees connected painfully with the kitchen floor that he noticed the ring, the only thing he'd refused to allow Kanan to take. Where it was usually a comforting weight resting against his chest, just warmer than room temperature, now it was cold, cold enough it burned.

Oh god no.
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