A Rant About Unsolicited Crunchy Granola Medical Advice

Jan 18, 2009 23:19

I'm gonna start out by saying this isn't actually aimed at anyone online here. Y'all have been helpful, supportive, and generally awesome in response to my tales of sickness and respiratory crisis.

But be forewarned, this is a rant. A big, informative, and I hope, wryly humorous rant. ( A rant about unsolicited medical advice. )

rant, health, asthma, medical advice, cvid

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Comments 24

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nezumiko January 20 2009, 22:16:43 UTC
Haha, totally!


iamzuul January 19 2009, 12:04:00 UTC
Oh man, seriously. In many ways that stuff drives me nuts. I do believe that managing your diet alone can produce wonders for making a person feel better, but honestly? That diet depends on the person. I should be eating lots of dairy products, but they make me feel ill and will not help my health any. Diet management will not necessarily enhance my health if I do it the wrong way.

Even medical types who know their medicine can't always guarantee a drug is going to work, you know? My mom can eat sedatives like candy and they produce no effect whatsoever. They just don't work. You just can't go up to a person, either with hokey pokey crunchy granola advice, or with medical book advice, and seriously expect your advice to work in every situation. Know-it-all jokes like that piss me off something horrible.


nezumiko January 20 2009, 22:15:53 UTC
Thanks, Zuul <3 I hope one day they invent dairy you can eat. *hugs*


beachlass January 19 2009, 12:59:51 UTC
*high fives*


nezumiko January 20 2009, 22:16:15 UTC
*high fives* Hope you're feeling a little better today!


telosphilos January 19 2009, 13:47:32 UTC
*cheers from the peanut gallery!* I deal with the same people all the time on the autism side. Why do people forget that we have specialized degrees from schools of higher learning that separate the medical doctors from the non doctors? They have given up somewhere around ten years of their lives studying to know the difference between good science and bad science and all the crazy things we know about the human body and its various disorders. While doctors are human too and capable of making serious mistakes, for the most part they keep up their skills and make a good effort to be good doctors.

I do hope you are feeling better soon. I know you are very good about following doctors orders. You just need to be reminded to rest from time to time. ;)


nezumiko January 20 2009, 22:22:00 UTC
They have given up somewhere around ten years of their lives studying to know the difference between good science and bad science

AMEN to that! I think the Bush years set scientific understanding amongst the general populace back terribly. It's people not knowing good science from bad that drives the whole know-it-all phenomenon.

And yeah, I do need those gentle nudges to get my rest. *loves* Thanks for being a good friend.


meepodeekin January 19 2009, 16:28:31 UTC
*hugs* I'm so sorry you have to put up with that crap. It gives the phrase "Adding Insult to Injury" a whole new light. Anyway, I promise never to give you medical advice, except maybe occasionally encouraging you to see your doctor when you sound bad and haven't done so.


nezumiko January 20 2009, 22:22:53 UTC
You're a good friend, Meepo. Thanks. *hugs*


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