I told you I hated shopping, especially for haircuts.

Jul 20, 2008 22:50

Arabelle Kintotech is in a bed at the Clinics once more.

Only now does it hit her, the irony of vanishing about this same time last year. She's mostly staring at the wall across from her.

She, once again, has an IV in her leg. Although the Doctor had to remove something from her leg earlier. To add to the cordly confusion, Arabelle's arms are hooked up to cables as well. When she burnt herself out, she burnt out everything. She was running on the power source reserves in her cybernetic arms.

In comparison to the last time anyone saw her, Arabelle is notably thinner. She's lost weight, and her head's been shaved (Although at near violent insistence--as much as she could be violent in this situation, she has a hat, a skullcap like this, although plain black rather than having any design on it). She's been able to bathe since getting back, although there's an ugly black scorch mark on the cybernetic portion of her right shoulder.

She occasionally fidgets with her hands. She hates being confined to bed, especially when she's just gotten out of a worse version of this.
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