+Main pairing must include AT LEAST ONE next-generation character. This DOES mean that CROSS-GEN pairings are allowed, as well as threesomes.
+Stories/Art may be of any rating from G - NC-17.
+If an author or artist submits a work rated NC-17 then an age statement is needed showing you are above 18.
+There is no limit to the amount of authors and artists involved.
+All works will be attributed to the correct author/artist. No anonymous works will be accepted.
+All stories/artworks need to be complete before posting starts, UNLESS you have been granted an extension by the mods, then your work is due by that extended date.
+You can drop out if RL or other things get in the way, but please let the mods know so we aren’t chasing you thinking you are still writing/drawing, and before the final check in.
ngbb_writers Will be open to writers and artists after signups to discuss ideas, cheerlead others, beg for mercy etc.
+Post to lj or AO3 (your choice) and link masterpost of story and artwork to the comm.
+The mods will send confirmation of receipt of your sign up entry (probably within 48 hours), and will expect an email in return confirming that you have received the mods’ email. If you DO NOT get a confirmation, then the mods did not receive it.
+Artists who want to write and authors who want to draw are welcome. You can illustrate your own fic or someone elses.
+Co-writing and co-drawing is permitted.
+If you are neither a writer or an artist but still want to participate there will be need of betas and cheerleaders.
+Any questions feel free to email the mods at:
+Submit all works to the mods at with AUTHOR/ARTIST NAME, SUBMISSION.
+Stories CANNOT be part of a series or previous work.
+Minimum word count of 20k, no maximum word count.
+ALL stories must be beta read before handing in. No exceptions, not beta’d not posted. All html coding must be done as well. You can find phoenixacid’s A Noob’s Guide to HTML Coding
Epilogue Compliancy is not required.
+You can begin writing as soon as we confirm your sign up. You CAN write a prompt from another fest, so long as you have permission of the prompter and that fest’s mods.
+Crossovers and fusions are allowed, so long as a next-generation character is part of the main pairing.
+A month before handing in there will be a compulsory check-in, if you do not hand in a complete or mostly complete (80% min) by final check in you will not be added to the posting schedule.
+All genres are welcome.
+Not all fics have to have a happy ending.
+Appropriate warnings are required. If you’re not sure if something might or might not be a squick, then warn for it anyway, just in case.
+Artists sign ups will be after author signs up. Artists will choose from a list of summaries/synopsis to draw scenes from. Therefore, before artist sign ups all authors MUST have a summary/synopsis prepared before then. Between 3-5 paragraphs should do for fics over 20k.
+Artists may choose MORE THAN ONE story to illustrate.
+Art must be complete and show obvious effort. We will not accept unfinished creations. If you’re new to drawing (in an LJ fest capacity) please give us links to some of your previous works.
+Artistic creations must be original and illustrate at least 3 scenes from the fic. Therefore at least 3 pieces of art are required (more if you want).
+If you only submit one piece of artwork it MUST include the main pairing of the fic.
+There is no rating requirement for art, if the art depicts a side pairing that image cannot rate higher than the main pairing art.
+Artists will peruse authors' synopses and choose three fics they would be willing to illustrate. The mods will then match artists according to their preferences as much as possible
+For this fest, the idea is to have illustrations of scenes from the fics. Art strictly from your imagination is not allowed.
+Artists will have access to rough drafts/completed fics in order to discuss with the author which scenes would become art.
+Any questions feel free to comment here or email the mods at