Last night I went to a cooking class at the Natural Gourmet school. It ended up being a gift from
la_directora to me for my engagement (thank you!!!!) and we had a fantastic time. There were things that I knew - but it was really great just getting little tiny hints and tricks - even things where I'd taught myself but seeing someone else do it made it easier for me to do and improved my technique. I'm hoping to go to a knife skills class with Mom soon, and I'd like to do their "Japanese Street Food" class and maybe a macrobiotic class as macrobiotic cooking excludes things that I am intolerant to to begin with.
la_directora had taken the artisinal breads class there and has her own levain (sourdough starter). She remarked on her LJ how much it's been growing and I asked her to bring me some. She did and I fed it last night and stuck it in the 'fridge where it's slowly growing in volume. :) Very vigorous!
While I was feeding it,
midnightstation came over and asked me what I was doing and I told him I was "feeding the bitch" which made us both laugh. In Anthony Bourdain's "Kitchen Confidential" he talks about the greatest baker he's ever known: Adam. Adam is practically psychotic and totally unreliable but everyone puts up with him because his bread is just that good. He says Adam will call, and you know he's practically in a gutter with a needle in his arm and he's yelling "FEED THE BITCH!! PLEASE! FEED HER OR SHE'LL DIE!!!"
He is, of course, talking about his starter.
I've put mine in a container that simply says, "The Bitch" on top. This weekend I'll make some bread.