Jun 22, 2011 23:58

*totally a Highlander quote

Things that have begun:

Four years ago, holidaysmut was born!
Celebrate with slash, fics, pics, and porn!

- Write 90 Songs in 90 Days challenge
My mind plays a constant soundtrack.
(Can one not know if one's on crack?)

- A new morning pages journal
I finished another one--what can I say ( Read more... )

music, happymaking, holidaysmut, julia cameron + the artist's way, writing & creativity

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Comments 4

hg_retrograde June 24 2011, 02:45:07 UTC
You're amazing. No lie.


choicepotatoes June 24 2011, 19:11:46 UTC
Is it bad I didn't notice this was written in verse until the very end?

I'm glad to hear you've traded in your backpack for a slighter, lighter thing. I hope your back and joints appreciate the switch! ♥


newtypeshadow June 27 2011, 23:33:13 UTC
Not bad--just funny. ^_^

Thanks! I think they do--and my brain has even slowed its roll about not having 50 extra things with me JUST IN CASE OMG whenever I leave the house!

AND AND--the bag is cute, so I don't feel uncomfortable wearing nice clothes with it!


newtypeshadow June 27 2011, 23:31:34 UTC
Wheeee! ^___^



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