because I know they'll never win

Apr 22, 2011 01:37

School comes first. Then job-hunting. Then writing.

Even though I hate the above order of priorities, I have been keeping to them as well as I can.

...The not writing much is getting to me though. Writing Morning Pages daily doesn't "count" in my head. The pages aren't storyIn better news, once school is out, I'll have one class left before I can ( Read more... )

homework, julia cameron + the artist's way, writing & creativity, work, school

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Comments 1

hg_retrograde April 22 2011, 17:53:48 UTC
It's a shitty order, but that's survival. School is almost out, and once you have a job it only has to demand the time you've scheduled. Before you get there and once you leave, writing can become your priority. And have I mentioned how awesome lunch breaks are for writing productivity? It can be a scheduled writing-designated time. You'd be surprised how much you can do in even just a half hour as long as you strictly designate it for writing (and eating). You're almost there! <3


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