Pilgrim's Progress (mine, not the story)

Oct 13, 2010 02:55

Did a slew of word wars tonight after class with the toonowrimo crew, and at Starbucks with jameson9101322. Through this, I finished another chapter of L&W. I am way happy with this. Five sentences was the goal, but I am TOTALLY awesome with a finished chapter as Bonus Points ( Read more... )

friends, goals/gtd, writing & creativity, the semester of finishing on time, school, word wars, love & wrath

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Comments 4

animangel October 13 2010, 16:04:54 UTC
Yes, late writing is good for me, too, except the not getting to sleep until 2 AM thing. Still, I am happy with progress I've made on my own story.

And I think accountability is a good thing for everyone. I know it helps me, even though I hate it sometimes. ^_^.


newtypeshadow October 13 2010, 16:43:09 UTC
I'm thrilled I got to write with you last night! *snuggles* You give me joy. And your progress gives me joy. It's like you're a joymaker wrapped in adorable with a touch of evil to keep things spicy! (Evil GM. O_O SOOO EVIL.)

Even when you stay up later than you're used to. >_> And then have work in the morning, likely. *feeling vaguely guilty now*

Accountability is definitely a good thing. The toonowrimo is open to everyone at all times, so if you ever need it, do use it. *snugs*


hg_retrograde October 13 2010, 16:41:56 UTC
Yay!writing! This makes me extra happy as it means I have more to read of yours. ^_^ Excellent philosophy, btw--the "one day at a time" plan. ^_^


newtypeshadow October 13 2010, 16:50:46 UTC
Yay! ^___^ I'm glad writing time/productivity gives you as much joy as it gives me. *snugs*

I'm learning from Julia Cameron, doing my best as far as living and not stressing goes. One day at a time has been great for lessening my guilt over Not Being Superwoman Every Day Of My Life. ^___^


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