
Nov 18, 2009 23:11

Today involved allergy shots, getting blood drawn for routine blood work tests that I have not had for years, and forgetting during the 20 minutes during which this whole process took place that I should try to find the sleep doctor's office and schedule an appointment. >_> I should call tomorrow about that ( Read more... )

whining, family, writing & creativity, school, health, fail better

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Comments 8

liebesleid November 19 2009, 05:40:41 UTC
day jobs can be fun! i'm excited! :)


liebesleid November 19 2009, 06:26:29 UTC
what sort of crafty things? are they crafty like foxes?


newtypeshadow November 20 2009, 19:30:10 UTC
Well, if the crafter is crafty like a fox, then I suppose the crafts might be too. *sage nod*

But yeah. Papery stuff, projects I can do alone and with friends and with the kids. ^_^


eastfarthing November 19 2009, 06:38:48 UTC
Writing for children? I can has?! Damn day school classes being too expensive!


newtypeshadow November 19 2009, 07:03:46 UTC
Nonono, it's not, it's not! You should take it!

It's a $50 short course on Monday nights. It meets, like, four times. I hear the teacher's cool too.

YOU SHOULD TAKE IT! (Because I cannot. ;____;)


newtypeshadow November 19 2009, 07:04:30 UTC
I should add that it's non-credit though. But for $50 and four classes? That's totally cool.


eastfarthing November 19 2009, 12:44:38 UTC
STUPID ORGANIC CHEMISTRY WILL RUIN ME!!! I have orgo on Mondays! I have the biggest sad face ever!!!


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