Rules, FAQ & Dates

May 08, 2012 09:47

Welcome back to this year's round of newsficcon!!! I am the new master and commander of this pirate ship, tinyangl, with a currently anon chief mate and our midshipman, newsficcon_mods. I promise you that we will do our best to ensure you a steady ride through this exchange. :D

Sign ups: May 13 - 26
Assignments sent: June 1
FICS DUE: August 19
Posting: September 1 - 7
Reveals: September 14


> All fiction should focus on NEWS and the members. Whether this is individual members, pairings, four, six, eight or nine is up to you and your recipient. Other J&A idols (or anyone else) may appear as background characters (in accordance to the recipient's wishes), but the central focus should be on NEWS, including any pairings your recipient may ask for.
>> An addendum is added to this for this year. Recipients will need to specify whether or not they want their writer to have mention/address/focus/etc. on the departure of Ryo/Yamapi from the group. We know that NEWS has suffered members leaving before, but we also know that this last one was one that stirred up a lot of emotions. We don't want to step on anyone's toes. We'll make sure to add this to the sign-ups, but I wanted to state this here in the FAQ.

> All fic must be at least 1000 words.

> Your fic should be beta-read. If you are struggling to find a beta, try je_beta or contact us and we will assign you to one of our friendly betas!

> This is an anonymous exchange Do not contact your recipient/reveal your identity/post your fic elsewhere before reveals are up. If you have a question for your recipient, please send it to and we will get you an answer as quickly as possible.

> All fic must include a header and be correctly HTML tagged. This means using at least the following tags, if you need them:

Your fic goes here

Rich text is no good, as it frequently (if not always) goes wrong. If you're unsure about any tagging, just shout and one of us will be more than happy to help.

.extra info.

> Do your best to adhere to your recipient's wishes.
> Please do your best to meet the deadline, but if for some reason you cannot make the deadline, email us as soon as you can for an extension.
> If your fic is not turned in on time and we do not receive an email from you regarding an extension, it will be sent to a pinch hitter.
> Completed fics should be emailed as .txt, .rtf, .doc or pasted into the body of the email to
> The only people not allowed to participate are those that had dropped out in past years without notice.

Any questions? Drop us a comment or for more privacy, email ♥

Joining the community is not necessary, but don't forget to watch the comm for updates and more information!

Pimp us out!">; font-size: 30pt; font-family: Comic Sans MS">" _fcksavedurl="">♥ THE NEWS FANFICTION EXCHANGE ♥


!rules/info, !mod post

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