Paid time extension, Spam comments page, Community URL, DDoS, Privacy

Apr 19, 2011 13:07

We're pleased to report that LiveJournal weathered the recent DDoS attacks without significant downtime last week. We implemented new systems and processes to cope with heavy traffic loads, and these new systems have been working very well. In order to show our appreciation for your loyalty and support, we'll be automatically extending two weeks of ( Read more... )

frankandmeme, suspicious spam comments page, profile text link, ddos, photophile, community url, spam settings, scribes, paid time extension, privacy

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ron_newman April 19 2011, 20:17:42 UTC
About the spam comments feature:

1) How do I, as maintainer of a community, arrange to get notified that there are 'suspicious' comments available for me to review, and how to find them?

2) If an LJ user posts to a community, can she review the 'suspicious' comments on her post, or can only the community maintainers do so? Does she get an e-mail notification that her post has received these 'suspicious' comments?

3) How do I whitelist (or un-whitelist) a domain, either as a community maintainer or for my own personal journal?


astronewt April 19 2011, 23:34:59 UTC
1) Right now, maintainers are not notified of suspicious comments -- I do not know if there are any discussions about changing that behavior.

2) The entry author should be notified of the suspicious comments via a regular comment notification, but there is a bug right now where only maintainers are able to view the suspicious comments page. This bug has been filed and will be fixed as soon as possible.

3) The whitelist is a global whitelist, maintained by LiveJournal itself and applied to all journals/communities. It is not something have control over on a per-journal or per-community basis.


found an editable whitelist in community settings msilverstar April 20 2011, 01:00:10 UTC
I'm confused. I just went to settings on my communities and found there is an editable white list, for example,

Could you please check on that and post a definitive announcement that's not in the comments? Thanks.


Re: found an editable whitelist in community settings astronewt April 20 2011, 01:11:50 UTC
I think that whitelist only applies to main-level entries within the community, whereas the new Spam Protection checkbox deals only with comments.

But I will definitely check on that and get back to you on that when I find out for sure!

ETA: Yep, that's the case -- I've had it confirmed that the whitelist page you linked is for entries within the comm. The comment level whitelist is separate and maintained globally by LJ.


Re: found an editable whitelist in community settings ron_newman April 20 2011, 15:48:19 UTC
What page is the global whitelist on?


Re: found an editable whitelist in community settings msilverstar April 26 2011, 03:46:53 UTC
The global white list is apparently not on an accessible page, so only LJ staff can even see it, much less edit it.


3 things to fix the spam whitelist problems msilverstar April 21 2011, 04:36:39 UTC
This function was rushed out half-finished, and it screws up communities and many other kinds of journals. You have to fix it. I have been using a journal for business and was about to pay for it, but this is ridiculous.

1) Community maintainers and journal owners need to be notified when something is marked as spam.

2) There needs to be a way to suggest legitimate web sites for the global white list.

3) Journals and communities should have one whitelist (both posting and comments) on which the maintainers can override the LJ whitelist.


Re: 3 things to fix the spam whitelist problems darkhavens April 21 2011, 17:28:32 UTC

Also, maybe a note to mods to let them know that if they're using customized comment pages, they're probably still not going to see the link to the 'suspicious' comments. (I ended up appending ?format=light to the url of each comm post to hunt down the strays.)


Re: 3 things to fix the spam whitelist problems hungry_worm April 27 2011, 07:38:42 UTC


Re: 3 things to fix the spam whitelist problems cos April 28 2011, 20:29:23 UTC
Yes, this. Please disable this feature for everyone ASAP until you work out how to implement it properly.


Huh? dorsetgirl April 27 2011, 21:01:04 UTC
The comment level whitelist is separate and maintained globally by LJ.

In other words, no-one can ever again post links in a comment and have that comment show up for members of the community to see. Not exactly free speech, is it?


Re: found an editable whitelist in community settings rosiedoes May 15 2011, 23:56:32 UTC
Nearly a month later, you have still failed to fix this issue for maintainers.

Competence isn't your strong point as a company, is it?


Re: found an editable whitelist in community settings tftf_recs June 15 2011, 23:15:26 UTC
Hell no I just got flagged today for updating info on a rec I made awhile back, this thing sucks fix it LJ Your PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!!!


ron_newman April 20 2011, 04:30:03 UTC
If maintainers are not notified of these sequestered comments, how are we supposed to find out about them and manage them?

Is the entry author supposed to be able to un-mark comments as non-spam, thus making them fully visible?


spiletta42 April 26 2011, 19:39:08 UTC
So if I recommend a piece of fanfiction in a fanfiction reccing comm, it will be hidden as spam, and neither I nor the user I'm responding to -- who requested said rec -- will be able to either see it or know that it was marked as spam, but if I post a viagra ad, it shows up just fine, so long as I have linked to viagra's corporate url?

Look, LJ, you rock for standing up for democracy and free speech and all, but might it be a good idea to think things out in a linear fashion before implementing them, perhaps? Just a thought.


aimmyarrowshigh April 26 2011, 20:05:42 UTC


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