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emily_shore January 31 2010, 00:44:12 UTC
"It's personal" is not an adequate third option for gender. In fact it's extremely offensive. Please try harder.


To me, "unspecified" is offensive bluemeringue January 31 2010, 01:01:46 UTC
It's personal seems more respectful, regardless of what the reason for not choosing to identify gender. Thanks for the input. It's much appreciated and extremely important to all of us.


Re: To me, "unspecified" is offensive emily_shore January 31 2010, 01:08:24 UTC
Plenty of people are happy to specify their gender even when it's not "male" or "female." Dreamwidth offers both "other" and "unspecified," which is much more inclusive.


Re: To me, "unspecified" is offensive fountainous January 31 2010, 01:13:04 UTC
Dreamwidth makes it painfully obvious how simple it is to not do stupid shit. LJ needs to take some lesson cues from them. Not that hard, guys, JFC.


Re: To me, "unspecified" is offensive azurelunatic January 31 2010, 04:17:02 UTC
There is less user opinion inertia, code inertia, and a smaller database to contend with there. Plus since it's still in beta, there's less hue and cry if some feature changes around drastically, and/or there's a sheepish "Hey guys, Mark dropped the database on the floor when he was trying to add an improvement to the gender features; if you wanted to have that option set, please go fill it out again, sorry about that!"

So some of the changes they've made are just not really an option on LJ. Sadly.


Re: To me, "unspecified" is offensive azurelunatic January 31 2010, 04:20:13 UTC
though yeah, it is very, very nice to see so much attention not just being paid to comments in the news posts, but also active staff participation in their suggestions, the opinion of the userbase actively being solicited for major changes, and those beautiful, beautiful card sorts for the menu redesign. Oh those card sorts. ♥


To me, gender is an artificial construct. snowishness January 31 2010, 01:20:23 UTC
It's not a matter of not wanting to say as not buying into the system.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: To me, cake is delicious. queenofspades February 2 2010, 06:47:20 UTC
haha ilu


Re: To me, "unspecified" is offensive anatsuno January 31 2010, 01:24:58 UTC
"unspecified" states a fact and only means the user did not specify, it doesn't speculate on their reasons why. "it's personal" implies that the user chose that option because they did not /want/ to disclose, not because they COULD NOT disclose.

Plus, stating that "It's personal" is offensive doesn't mean one advocates for "unspecified" instead. Other possibilities exist.


Re: To me, "unspecified" is offensive sarken January 31 2010, 01:50:40 UTC
"unspecified" states a fact and only means the user did not specify, it doesn't speculate on their reasons why. "it's personal" implies that the user chose that option because they did not /want/ to disclose, not because they COULD NOT disclose.

Thank you for saying that better than I could.

"It's personal" makes it sound like the users are the ones with the problem, but, to reverse the old breakup cliche, "It's not us, LiveJournal -- it's you."


jpegasus January 31 2010, 01:58:04 UTC


Re: To me, "unspecified" is offensive foreverdirt January 31 2010, 02:03:35 UTC


Re: To me, "unspecified" is offensive bluemeringue January 31 2010, 02:45:54 UTC
Gender unspecified has been used to refer to a chromosomal variant that sometimes leads to forced gender reassignment or genital mutilation based on the binary normative construct. Other implies it is not on equal footing, but defined by negative reference to mainstream norms. Perhaps nondisclosed would be better. Please know that this was not done without thought. Quite the contrary. Thank you, sincerely, for caring and for voicing your concerns/opinions.


Re: To me, "unspecified" is offensive trixieleitz January 31 2010, 03:14:58 UTC
Please note that not everyone self-identifies their gender on the basis of their chromosomes, their physical appearance, or indeed any biological characteristic. To use a medical or scientific justification for your choice is to miss the point, a point which is being made very clearly by others participating in this thread.


Re: To me, "unspecified" is offensive zeborahnz January 31 2010, 03:27:46 UTC
Perhaps nondisclosed would be better.

No. You know what would be better? What your users ask for.


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