LJ Birthday, New Mood Theme, HarrisInteractive Survey

May 21, 2009 16:01

Note: We have disabled email notifications for this news release due to problems that have caused some users to receive duplicate emails of our recent news post. We expect to re-enable these email notifications with the next news post.

Birthday Suit
New Mood Theme
Your Opinion Matters

Our Birthday Suit

You might have noticed that LJ is sporting a new look today in honor of our birthday. The Home page is all dressed up in a new header to show off our birthday spirit. And to share the birthday spirit with everyone, there's a new birthday gift in the Gift Shop. If you have a Paid or Permanent Account, or have had your account for 5 years or more, the birthday v-gift is free for you to send to up to 5 friends. So sing a rousing round of Happy Birthday and get on over to the Gift Shop to start spreading the birthday love around. The party doesn't stop here, however: Look for more special birthday fun to come over the next few months.

In the Mood

Looking for different ways to express the emotions behind your posts? This week's release includes a new mood theme to help you get across the mood you were in on your visit to update.bml. The new manga-inspired theme is called Full Stop and you can find it on the Mood Theme Preview page-check it out and let everyone know how you feel.

Ready for a mood change but not sure how to do it? Take a look at this FAQ for instructions on how to change your mood theme using the themes available on the Mood Theme Preview page. If you have a Paid Account and complex emotions that aren't adequately expressed with the available themes, you can create your own Custom Mood Theme. If you have complex emotions to express but don't have a Paid Account, it might be time to upgrade your account.

Your Opinion Matters

As part of our efforts to get better insights into our audience of readers as well as writers, we’re participating in the spring HarrisInteractive NetObserver survey, which runs through May 31. The survey builds a portrait of Internet users and LJ users-and you have a chance to contribute your opinions. If you're an LJ user in a European country, including the UK and Germany, you also have the chance to win one of several prizes totaling 5,000 euros in value! Of course, the opinions of users in the U.S. and other countries are welcome, too. All you have to do is click, tell us what you think, and enter the drawing for your chance to win.

For more details about this week's release, visit lj_releases.

new mood theme, harrisinteractive survey, lj birthday

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