LJ Turns 10

Feb 05, 2009 12:58

Has it really been 10 years?

On April 11, LiveJournal celebrates its tenth birthday. In Internet time, that's ancient. We're not ready to plan our golden years just yet, but we do have a lot of plans for our tenth year. One of the most exciting projects we're working on is a book chronicling the first 10 years of LJ, and we need your help to do it. The book will highlight some of the most interesting and memorable communities, journals, and entries from over the years. The only problem is that there's just so much stuff to choose from that it's hard to narrow it down. That's where you come in. What are your top five favorite LJ entries of all time? Take a minute to think about it (or check your Memories) and then go to lj_turns10 to let us know what you think should go in the book.

lj_turns10 is the hub for all things related to LJ's tenth birthday. We'll be using the community to ask questions and source material for the book, including polls, quizzes, and other fun stuff. Your insights and suggestions into all the things that make LJ the awesome, crazy place that it is will help us shape the book into a true reflection of the great and varied LJ community. Our users (you!) are what make LJ unique, so the focus of the book is on you and your original content (and not just for-ahem-reasons involving copyright and intellectual property law). People across the world use LJ in lots of different ways and we want the book to show that, too. Of course, we won't be able to fit everything we find into just one book, so we'll also be using the community to get ideas for future projects.

Our birthday plans aren't limited to the book. Another way we're going to celebrate is by revamping the LJ Store. Everything is up for consideration and we'd love to hear your ideas about what kind of LJ schwag you'd like to see in the store. Should we bring back old favorites? Focus on new stuff? Let us know what you think.

April 11 is fast approaching, so head on over to lj_turns10 with your top five favorite entries before Time's winged chariot runs us over!

lj tenth birthday, anniversary anthology

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