Advisory Board Nominations Open

May 05, 2008 10:56

Advisory Board Nominations Begin

This morning we are opening the nomination process for the user-representative positions on the LiveJournal Advisory Board. A full description of the process can be found here.

To get you started, here are the basic things you should know:

- You may only nominate yourself
- Each nominee will need 100 motions of support in order to be eligible to be a candidate
- We ask that you keep your comments on the nomination posts to "I support this nomination" or something to that effect; be kind to those who will need to count the "supports", please.
- Although the nominations and election poll will take place in lj_election_en, you do not need to watch the community in order to keep up with the election; we'll announce everything here as well.

Everyone here at LiveJournal is looking forward to this first-ever User-Representative election! We'd like to thank everyone who is participating. Some words from our current Advisory Board members:

danah boyd: “LiveJournal is filled with very passionate users. These users have helped shaped LJ's various communities over the last decade and it gives me great joy that LJ is recognizing and incorporating users' voices into the decision-making processes. Having user representatives from different parts of LJ on the Advisory Board will help make sure that the company is meeting the needs of its diverse constituents.”

Esther Dyson: "I'm sure we'll learn a lot from the process, and later on from the two users selected as well. Especially, I hope that the discussions before the voting will be more meaningful and more focused on policy than those in some offline campaigns."

Brad Fitzpatrick: "It's cool that SUP is getting users involved with the LiveJournal decision-making process. I look forward to seeing who the community elects and the results of our efforts working together."

Professor Lawrence Lessig: “The user elections will provide a critical check on LJ's process of maintaining a valuable and trustworthy environment for the LJ community. The mandate of the elections will give the user representatives pride of place among the members of the Advisory Board. Each of us will look to them to guide us in our judgment about how best to make LJ the community we all aspire that it will be. I look forward to welcoming the user representatives, and learning a great deal from them.”

chasethestars has also made some banners for you to use, if you'd like to show your support for the candidate of your choice!

LiveJournal Advisory Board Elections

I support username to be my representative on the Advisory Board.

Show your support at lj_election_en.

LiveJournal Advisory Board Elections

I support <div style='display:inline; font-weight:bold;background-color:#fffc00;color:#000;'>USERNAME</div> to be my representative on the Advisory Board.

Show your support at lj_election_en.

LiveJournal Advisory Board Elections

I support username to be my representative on the Advisory Board.

Show your support at lj_election_en.

LiveJournal Advisory Board Elections

I support <div style='display:inline; font-weight:bold;background-color:#fffc00;color:#000;'>USERNAME</div> to be my representative on the Advisory Board.

Show your support at lj_election_en.

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