Today marks the 100th day since we announced
SUP's purchase of LiveJournal from Six Apart, the formation of LiveJournal, Inc, and
goals for the first 100 days. We've made some amazing progress since that announcement, and we're really proud of what we've accomplished in such a short period of time: the team in the U.S. is growing, we've gained a VP of Product Development, set up a San Francisco home for LiveJournal, and we're ramping up recruiting so we can continue to support and improve the service.
Additionally, we’ve made some great movements towards
establishing clear policy guidelines, and will continue to gather your ideas on improving these proposed policies in the coming days. We also started setting up an Advisory Board to help guide LiveJournal in the right direction. Previously, we announced
four of the members, and provided information on the roles they will play. When we made this announcement, we mentioned that two of the members will be representatives elected by you. Please read our latest entry in
lj_2008 for the details on when these elections will occur, and how they will be held.
There have been a number of other changes in the past 100 days as well. Some of these are more visible, such as our new comment expanding feature, the addition of an icon for entries filtered to custom friends group, and the ability to easily discover new content with
Explore LJ. We've also made some improvements to LiveJournal's infrastructure; email notifications should now be faster, and we're in the process of making other changes which will improve the site's overall speed.
Other changes you may have noticed are the logged-out homepage and registration process for new users. We streamlined and simplified things so that now it’s faster and easier than ever to create a LiveJournal account.
After focusing time on some of the most requested features, we are looking forward to the future and seeing how we can continue to make LiveJournal even better. We want to honor the tradition of being a unique place to write, share, and keep in touch with friends, while also helping people find communities of people with interests similar to their own. Our goals for the future include continuing to improve the design of the site, extending LiveJournal’s reach throughout the world, and improving our ability to support users worldwide… all while continuing to provide a compelling place to write and express yourself.