Once upon a time,
lindensphinx invented the absolute coolest meme ever, and wrote
a really amazing Winters & Nixon drabblet for it. (I am still hoping, somewhere, somehow, when her schedule stops eating her alive quite so much, that she writes more BoB fic. I am willing to wait. ♠) I have been trying to think how to adapt it to my plays (inasmuch as I'm more of a Lear-Macbeth-Cymbeline girl than a histories fan), but I haven't been able to come up with any sonnet exchanges or speeches quite as good as this one. So!
First. Select a character! From any fandom I know well, or original characters if you know them. (With the caveat that I may panic if you pick something terribly obscure, and ask nicely if you might pick again.)
Second. Assign that character to one of the following lines from Shakespeare's Richard III. Italics mean that line has already been claimed and the drabble is to come.
1. RICHARD: That was in thy rage. (
Ronald Speirs for
2. Speak it again, and, even with the word (
Eugene Roe for
3. This hand, for which thy love did kill thy love (
Sam Winchester, for
4. Shall for thy love kill a far truer love. (
Eugene Roe for
5. To both their deaths shalt thou be accessory. (
Ursa for
6. ANNE: I would I knew thy heart. (
Lewis Nixon for
7. RICHARD: 'Tis figured in my tongue.
8. ANNE: I fear me both are false.
9. RICHARD: Then never was man true. (
Prometheus for
10. ANNE: Well, well, put up your sword. (
Zachariah for
11. RICHARD: Say then my peace is made. (
Joe Liebgott for
12. ANNE: That thou shalt know hereafter. (
Anna for
13. RICHARD: But shall I live in hope? (
Harry Welsh for
14. ANNE: All men I hope live so. (
Donald Malarkey for
15. RICHARD: Vouchsafe to wear this ring.
16. ANNE: To take is not to give. (
Alton More for
I write a drabble or fibit of at least 100 words, probably more!
4:52 PM All right, I am off the grid until 9ish this evening, probably, but please keep on adding requests! They're really exciting -- thanks for that! Happy SPN Day, everybody. <33333