Aug 22, 2007 22:09
Sometimes I try not to update for a day. Just to, y'know, exhibit self-control or something. Master of my own destiny and things like that. I was going to save for tomorrow the rant about how there's obviously this stupid, simple mechanical thing wrong with my laptop, and how it shouldn't take 7-10 days for someone at the HDL Center to see it.
But then I watched the Plastic Fang DVD. And I have not only seen Jon Spencer inform Canada that the first fifty people who show up at their show with a box of Tim Horton doughnuts will get in free ("Jon Spencer is a hungry man!"), I have seen Jon Spencer dressed up as Santa Claus sing "Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel" with Russell and Judah, AND THEN STRIP. WHAT. WHAT.
I will never be unhappy again. Ever.
I just.
There is no room for unhappiness in a world in what that has been recorded for posterity and handed down to me. Prometheus is totally getting a Santa suit for Christmas. YOU KNOW YOU LOVE IT.
(Er, also, though... five threads Prometheus has slowtimed? I promised I will get to them. They have not been forgotten, nor will they be.)
the blues is number one!