Title: First Date, First Time
Rating: T
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I don't own them; they own me.
A/N: This is set during the first date, which is further explored during "
They didn’t make it to the bedroom the first time. Or the couch. Or even a chair in the dining room. No, the kitchen was the scene of the crime.
They loaded Laura’s dishwasher and washed and dried the pans. It became a game for them, splashing and laughing. Then the work was done: It was time to really play.
Bill couldn’t wait, so he had Laura naked, on her back, on the kitchen floor. He didn’t last long.
“Apologizing for the best sex I’ve ever had?”
“You deserve better.”
“Try again, then.”
“With pleasure, Laura.”
“Mine too, Bill.”
Next Installment