By Any Other Name: An Ikeaverse Installment

Nov 13, 2014 09:04

Title: By Any Other Name
Rating: T
Word Count: ~4k
Disclaimer: don't own them.
Summary: Kara and Laura collaborate to make Bill's day special...
A/N: This was written for the lovely fragrantwoods for her birthday. Much thanks to lanalucy and laura_mayfair for the beta, brainstorming, and the title. *all the hugs*
This is set in an open 'verse, which begins here.

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a/r, saul tigh, writing, kara thrace, fanfiction, ikeaverse, bsg

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Comments 10

fragrantwoods November 13 2014, 15:50:29 UTC
What a perfect present!fic for my birthday! I love Geddy having such a big role :-) Judy gets more adorable all the time, and Bill playing "airplane " reminded me of woodbaby's most recent fb pics. This blends the most heartfelt MC feels with the BSG folks, although I'm so glad for Kara's sake things didn't have to get as bad as they did for Rusty. I just love the making of this new family, and Kara finding a place and name for herself. Laura and Bill are such wonderful parents in any 'verse but they take that so much further in this one. The mention of the model ship made me LOL ;-)

I love retired Saul, too, enjoying all of his free time. And as always, I love the interaction you write between Kara and Saul!

Thank you so much for the lovely birthday surprise! You and our fellow BSG-checkin folks rock!


newnumbertwo November 16 2014, 15:27:36 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Hope you had a wonderful birthday. :D

Geddy and Judy = WIN. ♥

Love playing with Laura and Bill as parents supreme. ♥ ♥ ♥ So much fun in this 'verse.

Saul and Kara are the best drinking buddies (or whatever) in any 'verse. Love the way they play off of each other.


ruhekipat November 13 2014, 20:58:19 UTC

laura_mayfair November 14 2014, 01:25:12 UTC
I love family fics! So many cute lines...Laura's appreciation of bedhead! I also loved getting to know Geddy better in all his fearsome cuteness and underlying timidity.

Also a really nice scene with Laura and Saul -- getting to know one another through their mutual Bill connection. It seems so right. I can totally see Saul "babying" his truck.

One of my all time favorite 'verses. I can imagine coming back to re-read this one.


newnumbertwo November 16 2014, 14:46:42 UTC
And I love writing family fics. ♥ ♥ ♥

The bedhead bit was an inspiration of realism (probably from something I read in the Outlander series).

Oh, Geddy. He's cute and playful, loves his humans, especially Laura, and is afraid of all the things. And it's all so fun to explore in relation to the rest of the Adamas.

Saul and his truck. Again, I didn't expect that to be a thing, but it fit in the scene, so I went with it. The characters really do know best most of the time.

Thanks for such kind words, and helping this all come together. I'm happy with how it turned out.



afrakaday November 14 2014, 13:28:35 UTC
So much to squee about here! I love it. :D


newnumbertwo November 16 2014, 14:24:59 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

Writing these two installments simultaneously for the last several weeks was great fun. :D

Thanks for reading. :D


margaux_margo November 16 2014, 23:34:19 UTC
Cool! I assume you intended to make the allusion to Sharon Raydor adopting Rusty, given the "roommates even" line. :) Thanks for writing!


newnumbertwo November 18 2014, 22:04:08 UTC
Definitely. I loved the way MC handled the adoption subplot (so far, anyway). And giving Kara that same kind of loving home made me very happy, and I knew it would go over well with fragrantwoods, so that was a plus too. :)

Thanks for reading. :D


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