Vidlet: "9 to 5" (Merlin)

Jun 22, 2009 23:35

The good thing about being without easy Internet access for a little more than a week is that you don't get as easily distracted by the shiny of your flist and/or wonderful fics, and you end up having time for silly vidlets. Example:

Title: 9 to 5
Fandom: Merlin
Characters: Merlin, Arthur. Guest appearance: Gaius.
Spoilers: None. Season 1 footage ( Read more... )

tv: merlin, lj: public, fan: vids

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Comments 54

_profiterole_ June 22 2009, 22:25:17 UTC
It's great! And I love that little music at the end.


newkidfan June 22 2009, 22:59:22 UTC
Thank you!

And I love that little music at the end.

The song is a mashup/remix by 2 many DJs; the first song is '9 to 5' by Dolly Parton and the second one --the one you like-- is 'Eple' by Royksopp.


mamoru22 June 22 2009, 22:32:51 UTC
I love this so very much! The new scene works great and overall....heee, poor Merlin. *g*

And I now have a new song to add to my Merlin Songs Folder. :)


newkidfan June 22 2009, 22:56:03 UTC
The change in the new scene was small, but you were right, it added a little something to the overall rhythm. :)

Thank you and hugs!


puckling June 22 2009, 22:33:14 UTC
Oh my god that was adorable. Totally downloading.


newkidfan June 22 2009, 22:53:42 UTC
Thank you so much! \o/


nyaza June 22 2009, 22:38:03 UTC
i love your vids ♥ this one is great <3 love it!!!
I'm curious thought and i may have asked before and forgot, because i do that which program do you use??

Really, awesome ♥


newkidfan June 22 2009, 22:51:52 UTC
Thank you very much for your nice comment! I use Vegas. It's a wonderful program.


nyaza June 22 2009, 22:56:53 UTC

thank you. Ok, i'm gonna check it out, i'd love to start making vids, but idk how. LOL.


starrlit_eyes June 22 2009, 22:40:56 UTC
This is too perfect. Great job! :D


newkidfan June 22 2009, 22:50:58 UTC
Thank you! :)


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