Art: "Elemental" (Merlin)

May 24, 2009 21:46

One afternoon of Photoshop frolicking later...

Title: Elemental
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Notes: el·e·men·tal
+ Powerful and wild; like the forces of nature.
+ Basic and fundamental; being the basic or essential constituent of something.

the story in my head )

tv: merlin, merlin/arthur, lj: public, fan: art

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Comments 58

oxoniensis May 24 2009, 20:45:05 UTC
Oh, WOW! GORGEOUS. That's just stunning. *flails*


newkidfan May 24 2009, 20:48:32 UTC
That was QUICK! And thank you. :)

Ps: May I take advantage of the fact that you're around and ask you if you would be so kind as to check if there are no grammar mistakes in my little story summary above?


oxoniensis May 24 2009, 20:52:19 UTC
Happy to - will email you in a minute.


mossylawn May 24 2009, 20:48:06 UTC
insanely, ethereally beautiful. and my new wallpaper i let you know.


sallyna_smile May 24 2009, 20:54:17 UTC
you're SO skilled, seriously *______*


lidi May 24 2009, 21:03:12 UTC
Breathtakingly gorgeous!
I love colors, depth and the whole prettiness and beauty.
Amazing art!


berlinghoff79 May 24 2009, 21:09:50 UTC
So F***ING beautiful. *stares*

Thank you for sharing :D


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