Vid: Compass Points (SG: A, John/Rodney)

Jan 16, 2009 04:03

Title: Compass Points
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: John/Rodney
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG
About: Made for artword's astronomy challenge. (Picture prompt)
My fantastic partner was sheafrotherdon. You can read her story 'Compass Points' right here.
Music: Comfortable Mystery by Kevin McLeod. (2005 version)

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tv: stargate atlantis, mckay/sheppard, lj: public, fan: vids, lj: artword

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Comments 134

sheafrotherdon January 16 2009, 03:28:28 UTC
WIN WIN WIN WIN! I wrote a different story (unsurprisingly!) but I did catch that they were transfixed by the stars, by the skies. Yaaaaay! Oh that makes me so happy!!

I love, love, love this video, sweets; love so many things about it, like the close up of John's face as he looks out the corner of his eye and then back up; like the way things go technicolor at the end; like the way Teyla and Ronon are integral to John's sense of self. The music is so fitting, so haunting, and it was SUCH an honor to write something to try and match what you made. Thank you so much!!


newkidfan January 16 2009, 04:32:18 UTC
It is unsurprising and wonderful. I loved what you came up with. LOVE. It makes me really happy too.

Thank you! ♥


lamardeuse January 16 2009, 03:40:07 UTC
Wow. I just - wow.

Sorry, that's the best comment I can come up with.


newkidfan January 17 2009, 12:07:41 UTC
:) Thank you!


dressedindeath January 16 2009, 03:41:22 UTC
You are so talented. This is one of your best work. I, too, love John looking the other way then turning towards us.

The spinning mood is beautiful.

I adore you and now I'm off to read the story.


newkidfan January 17 2009, 12:08:11 UTC
Thank you so much for your very nice comment. :)


dressedindeath January 17 2009, 19:14:40 UTC
I meant "spinning moon" But you probably got that.
You're welcome, Thanks for making it!


dogeared January 16 2009, 03:44:43 UTC
OH I think your video is so incredibly beautiful!! A little haunting and eerie, and yet with such a sense of connection between John and Rodney. I especially love the spinning planet, and the different layers all interacting, the way the focus shifts, and those gorgeous close-ups of their faces. And I love love love getting to see which images Cate incorporated into her story (stargazing! spacesuits! trees and leaves!). What an amazing collaboration!!


newkidfan January 17 2009, 12:10:04 UTC
Thank you so much for your nice comment. And it makes me quite happy that you liked my focus shifts. *g*

Cate's fic is so wonderful. I'm lucky.


yellowvalley January 16 2009, 03:52:46 UTC
Downloading. Anxious to see this! Sounds great!


newkidfan January 17 2009, 12:10:14 UTC
Thanks for commenting. Hoped you liked it. :)


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