
Feb 20, 2020 21:07

Age: 27
Height: 5'9"
Weight: ... skinny...
Medical Info: DEAD. Pretty nearsighted, even as a vampire. Needs blood to live.
Eyes: Brown??
Hair: Black
Physical traits: Only has one visible fang! THE OTHER IS THERE BUT IT'S TINY. Still has the bitemarks on his neck, which he hides -- they'll only heal up when he drinks from a real person, and that's not happening anytime soon. SUPER HILARIOUS TATTOO.

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I don't like playing with fictional meta so I'd rather stay away from that whole thing. Otherwise everything is okay I think.

Abilities: VAMPIRE. he's a really shitty one though. \:D/ sunlight burns like heck, needs to be invited into houses. he's really tired and hungry ALL THE TIME because he refuses to eat actual people/hasn't fed from a person yet. so I assume this means he didn't get most of the better parts of the vampire package and won't until he does as much. he can heal from being injured, but needs blood to do it.

Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: VAMPIRE?! also I guess he kind of has a few anger issues that are built up from years and years of feeling guilty and self-critical and not knowing how to manage it. he is more confident now as a person but it's the ultimate root of his existing problem.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: ask/ask/yes/yes

Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: sure go nuts

Maim/Murder/Death: aaaask I'M OPEN
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